Chapter 9

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I was sure a part of my head had already developed a first degree burn due to his constant staring, but I refused to look at him.

The urge to walk up to him and talk to him kept getting greater like my non literal but figurative burn. A suppressed urge and conscience are enemies as you might have noticed in your own lives, while one told me yes, the other reminded me I was here on a date with Tristan.

Oh snap.

I was here on a date with Tristan.

Tristan gave me a questioning look and I returned him a dazed expression for what was probably the twelfth time in our twenty minute long conversation.

"Oh yeah." I gave a smile, because a smile is what you do to be polite when you have no idea what is going on.

But then, the other person did know what was going on, and so here I was contemplating in my head, whether I should run away -my closet- my portal to Narnia was calling me anyway, or if I should stay and try to make things right.

"Haley I asked you a question, that for a change did not require to be answered with a yes or a no. You have been replying with a yes the whole time in this conversation. Are you even part of it?" Tristan asked in a rather gentle tone.

I didn't say anything. I think I should have, but I wasn't sure what to say- to lie or to not. Saying nothing is a different thing, I apparently just ended up with that Darth Vader expression again. I promise I don't even try.

With a slightly scared and flustered look, Tristan began- "Haley, are you even okay with this am I pushing you to do something you don't want to or-"

At this point there are two outcomes, either Trevor, like Reese smashed a vodka bottle on Tristan's head or I kissed Tristan.

Then at those respective points there are again two outcomes Treley or Triley. Wait did I just create two ship names for myself?

Friendly reminder. This is my first such experience with the opposite gender (I'm straight calm down.) and here I am going for two at once. Hoe don't do this.

Well the ones for Triley get one point. Yes, I kissed him.

I mean I call it a kiss. I think it was one. I had made some sort of lip contact.

The burn on the side of my head had now reached to the point where I was sure that my skin was slowly melting like wax.

Baffled and slightly perplexed I let out a giggle.

What. Really?

"Haley." Tristan breathed out in a very hot voice. He was going to say something more and suddenly the waiter appeared with our order. ( well duh life is a cliché chic-lit(wow a cliché chic-lit life in a cliché chic lit))

In the next 10 seconds I have no idea what happened, but at the end of those ten seconds Tristan's hand was covered in hot coffee and the waiter was repeatedly apologising and Tristan was screaming like crazy.

And then in the consecutive five minutes I had somehow managed to regain control over my brain (almost) and had somehow managed to use my first aid skills on Tristan's hand, screaming instructions at the waiter in full Yoda mode.

Tristan actually did have a very deep burn, unlike the one on the side of my head and I thought it was best to drive him to the hospital and get some medical help. Tristan hadn't said anything the whole time but had intently been staring at me while I bandaged his hand, wincing a bit here and there.

The cafe had agreed to pay to all medical expenses of Tristan's burn and we were also offered a free meal at our next visit to the cafe, and the poor waiter was probably going to get fired.

As we proceeded to walk to the door, I couldn't help but look back at Trevor, who gave me a wave. Was it just me or did he have that crazy Waluigi expression on his face? I was definitely losing it now. I returned him the wave, he had saved my life after all. At the moment of our wave exchange, Tristan stumbled on the steps of the exit of the cafe, hurting himself more as he grabbed the railing of the stairs with his burnt hand. I immediately went to his side, diverting all my attention back at him.

It didn't seem like a good day for him.

I held his good hand as we walked to the car. Mid way he stopped.

"Thanks Haley, that burn was totally worth it." Tristan said as he pulled me in closer.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and proceeded to lean in and place his lips on mine. His lips moved in sync with mine and I could feel that fireworkish sensation that all those girls feel in wattpad books. I tangled my hands in his hair, making him let out a moan. He placed his burnt hand on my waist and rubbed my back with his good hand. This was our first proper kiss and it felt so good.

The loud horn of a car made us break apart. Damn car horns what even. I turned around to send some flying curse words at the car, but my attention was caught on a boy in a leather jacket, walking in the opposite direction from us. Trevor was wearing a leather jacket today.....

I kiss one boy, feel good, but still think of the other boy. Purify my soul and eradicate it of this sin of lust please.

I focused my attention back on Tristan and drove to the hospital. I started the conversation this time and made sure to keep up with it.

Well, I think our real date was meant for the car...away from Trevor...

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