Chapter 4

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A good nights sleep is all you need to recover when you have been knocked out by a bitch and a stupid machine said that you were dead.

Freaky. But yeah, I felt a hundred times better than I was feeling last night when so many freaky things happened.

I felt the bump on my head. It was definitely much better. Yay! Ah! But it still hurt. I just hoped that it didn't show much because if it did, and if my mom noticed, I would go crazier than Miley Cyrus licking a hammer.

Back to yesterday night.

To sum up-

I went to my first party.

Got kissed by the hottie of my school and I kissed back.( first kiss, now I am not a kiss-virgin , if that made any sense)

Made a bitch jealous- so jealous, that she almost killed me by knocking me out with a bottle of Vodka.

I am not sure what exactly happened after that.

But when I woke up I was lying on the cold hard ground (Taylor *smiles*) and a doctor said that a machine said that I was already dead and shouldn't be alive.

Then I dozed off.

Then Kiara had probably Carrie me back to her room somehow.

Wait. Am I missing something?

Yeah. I had also met with this really cute angel guy when I came back to life, (hey! I was not dead. It was all the machines fault) But why didn't I remember him before? And why was my vision of him so cloudy? All I could remeber was that he was really really cute.

Ok. Whatever. Now I was hungry.

Kiara's house was just like my second home. I could go and raid her fridge, but when I tried to get out of bed, my head hurt like crazy.

I looked at the wall clock and saw the time-- oh why did I see it? It was three thirty in the afternoon.

"About time Hal." Kiara said walking into the room, just ar that moment.

"Yeah. I know. Couldn't you have- you know thrown water on my face or something or maybe just have tried to wake me up normally? " I said.

"Normal part, I tried. Water part,, Hal, you needed rest and I called your mom telling her that we had stayed up all night and that you were still sleeping like a log. "

"I love you Kiara."

"The feeling is mutual."

"I'm hungry."

" Can you come to the dining room Cuz I made lasagna so it's all set at at he table or do you want lunchinner in bed?" she said.

Lunchinner in bed? You have got to be kidding me. Pathetic Joke.

Well two could play at that game.

"Knock knock" I started

"Whose there?"


"Hula who?"

"No. It's hula hoop."

I just read this joke on the Internet a few days ago and I was completely obsessed with it. No judgy ok?

She rolled her eyes and said "Uh, I'll go set the table, you freshen up. There is an extra toothbrush in the cupboard."

As I walked to the bathroom I kept thinking that as much of a bitch Reese was, attempting to kill me crossed even her charts. Maybe, just maybe she was possessed by some evil turkey spirit. Oh my god.

Alright no, too much Rick Riordan kiddo. She's the bitch. The queen.

I could probably get her in jail or something. But considering the party involved underage drinking and I was a part of it I couldn't. Oh and well my mom. No way am I facing her.

I started to brush my teeth. Opening the cupboard to where she keeps her brushing supplies always makes me jealous.

Kiara has a bunch of perfumes. And by bunch, I don't mean like as many grapes a bunch of grapes has...

I mean more than that. She probably has thousands and I'm not even over exaggerating, I'm just exaggerating.

The ones on the cupboard were just a part.

I brushed and took a shower and changed into the clothes Kiara had probably kept for me - a plain black tee with jeans. Ah my favorite. I It ok a little more time than I usually took for this because I felt a bit dizzy after yesterday's, well, incident.

Just as I was about to leave,

(the lasagna. .I was waiting for the lasagna. ) I noticed a bottle of perfume I had never seen before. Ok I haven't seen all her perfumes although this one looked different. It was beautiful. Like so beautiful you could use it as a showpiece. And maybe that was the reason she had kept it outside, out of the cupboard.

Well it was tempting me. That undescribable pink crystal bottle was hard to resist. It kind of did not look like a perfume, it was a bit different but come one what else could it be. And no it was not air freshener. Well hopefully.

The moment I held it, I felt a bit more dizzier than I was already feeling. Oh. No problem. But when I took a squirt of what was supposed to be awesome smelling liquid, I threw up. It smelled really nice, but gross at the same time. The air probably turned putrid because of my vomit, but all I could smell was that perfume which made me throw up more, till there was nothing left for me to throw up. I felt dizzier and dizzier. The perfume thing was really freaking me out.

I screamed and threw it. ( no not throw up) the perfume or whatever it was. Well it was pretty stupid because I was getting pissed by the smell, and by doing what I just did, the smell just got even stronger.

And then I did what I had been doing the best from the past 24 hours, blacked out.

There goes that amazing lunch-inner.....


Hey reader! Thankyou so muchhhhh for adding a read to this.... Reads are growing and so are the you all!

Haha left the story on a cliffhanger again did I? Well oops but it just adds to the 'Oh my god! Whats gonna happen next effect' *teeheee*

@missshopaholic I finally updated the story! :*

#keep #calm #and #keep #reading #Mr. Nobody

*says so like a boss*

#read #comment #vote

A few more votes and I udate again!

Thankyou again!!!


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