Ch. 2 (Sleeping with Sirens) The Game Becomes Reality

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Kellin Quinn's P.o.V.

I woke up on the cold hard ground and chuckled to myself for a moment, thinking of Taylor Swift's song and sat up, observing my surroundings. The rest of the guys were awake as well, Justin and Jesse still sitting on the ground like me, and Gabe and Jack were walking around and looking extremely confused. I was as well, because I had no clue where I was.

There was fog everywhere and all I could see was decaying buildings. It made me think of that one scary movie Silent Hill. Just as I thought that, I looked up and saw a sign. Welcome to Silent Hill. Well Shit. I thought Silent Hill was just some made up video game that someone made into a movie?

"Hey guys! Look up at that sign. What does it say?" I ask, pointing at the sign.

All of the guys look at the sign but only one of them answer, and its Gabe.

"Its says 'Welcome to Silent Hill.' How is that possible, Kellin? Silent Hill doesn't exist." Gabe says, fear written in his eyes.

I shrugged, having no clue what to say. I had watched the first movie, played the newest game and I died in it a lot. Hopefully this was all just a joke and it wasn't really Silent Hill. It couldn't be possible. Silent Hill doesn't exist.

"Come on guys." I say, taking off walking down the streets of "Silent Hill."

They followed in behind me like lost little puppies, and I just led the way, not knowing where I should really lead them. I had no clue where I was supposed to go. Its not like I had a map or anything of the town and the town wasn't set up like the Silent Hill that I had played.

I thought I saw Copeland and I took off running towards her, which in my defense wasn't that smart, but I'm in Silent Hill and you don't think things through in Silent Hill. Copeland kept running away from me and I kept chasing after her until there was no where for her to run and no where for me to run. That was when I noticed it wasn't Copeland and I had also lost all the guys.

I had been chasing a monster and it was one of the monsters from the game that I had play. The girl version of course and she was as creepy as she was on the game. I turned on my feet and stopped dead in my tracks, blocked by three other "Screamers" as they are called on Silent Hill: Downpour. Fuck my life. The one on my left screamed and I had to cover my ears, and saw the others coming closer to me, trying to attack me. I dodged the one on my right, but forgot about the behind me and she grabbed me. The middle one attacked me from the front. I was trapped and just as I thought I was about to die, the Screamers were knocked off of me.

"Kellin are you ok?" I hear someone ask me.

I look up and see that the boys had found me and Justin looked like he was waiting for an answer, so I just gave him a thumbs up. They looked extremely worried about me so I looked down I noticed there was a lot of blood. They had scratched up and down my arms and the shirt I was wearing was ripped and almost not wearable, but I wasn't going to worry about that at the moment. We needed to find me a First Aid Kit before I died on my band mates.

"I'm fine guys, and I'm sorry I left you. I thought I had saw Copeland. Silent Hill throws that kind of stuff at you like that, and those things that just attacked me are called Screamers. Where they are the Prisoner Minion isn't far behind. They sometimes have something to stab you with or they just have their fists, but watch it because they are harder to kill than the Screamers. Just be careful and try to stick together." I say, finishing my little speech on Silent Hill.

All the guys gave me a thumbs up and we walked out of the alley way the Screamer had led me into. I still couldn't believe I was so stupid to fall for something like that. I knew how Silent Hill worked and I still fell for it. I needed to get my head on straight if I expected to survive in Silent Hill.

I plan on doing this with all the chapters like the next chapter is going to be Asking Alexandria and then the next one will be Pierce the Veil and then back to Emilie and will follow that list until they meet Emilie, then I may just keep it in her P.o.V. hope you guys liked this : ] hasn't been edited

Silent Hill: Survival of the Bands and a Fan 2 (PTV, SWS, and Asking Alexandria)Where stories live. Discover now