Catching Fire....Peeta's Sister?

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We live in a world called Panem; it's what's left of North America. Panem was separated into the Capitol and 13 districts, but now only 12. 75 years ago District 13 went on a rebellion against the Capitol. In the end the Capitol bombed District 13 and killed everyone. Because of the rebellion every year the Capitol hosts the Hunger Games, for this one boy and one girl from each district get picked to go into an arena and battle to the death to show everyone that the Capitol is in charge. I hate it with all my heart. Last year Primrose Everdeen was chosen, only being 12 years old, her sister Katniss Everdeen volunteered for her. The boy chosen was Peeta Mellark. It was hard watching the Games; I was scared that Peeta would die. I mean I don't like, like him, it's just that well Peeta is my brother.

Peeta is my little brother by a year. I've always been protective of him. When he was chosen we got to see him right before he had to leave. Mother never really liked Peeta, I don't really know why. Right when I walk in Peeta ran straight to me and cried on my shoulder. We talked for the 3 minutes we had.

During the Games I had to do Peeta's jobs at the bakery. After work we would all sit in the living room and watch the Games. We were watching the Opening Ceremonies once mother sees Peeta she makes a remark by saying "He looks weak. He'll die for sure." That's when I snapped, I yell at her saying that she shouldn't treat one of her sons like that. I stomp out of the house. Roaming around the Seam at the fence line I see a small opening, walking over to it I see it's big enough for me to fit through. Looking around I slowly make my way through the opening and into the woods.

I've never been in the woods but this is the best feeling I've ever felt, freedom. That night I met Gale, he was friends with Katniss. At first he didn't really like me, but over time we became friends, Gale taught me how to us a bow and arrows, knives and hand to hand combat. Instead of watching the Games home I'd go over Gales and watch it with him, Rory, Vick, Posy and his mother Hazelle. I love Posy she's so adorable. Rory and Vick are her over protective big brothers but are younger than Gale. A lot of times I'll come over to see those three wrestling. I've even met Mrs. Everdeen and Prim, even Buttercup and Lady.

Over the period of the Games going on me and Gales have grown closer and closer and I've developed strong feelings towards him. I try and not show them but they're still there. Hazelle has some how found out my feelings toward Gale, she teases me but we just laugh, but I know that sometimes she's serious.

In the end of the Games it was Katniss and Peeta that won and that were coming home.

Oh! I forgot to tell you about myself. My name is Kayden Mellark. I have long blonde hair that reaches my hips, I'm tall, with a slight tan, and bright blue eyes. I'm happy, funny, energetic, but when I have to be I can be quiet, light moves, and great aim. I can cook, and lift heavy things


A/N- Hey! So this is my second book. So comment and tell me what you think about it so far!!

I'll update when I have 5 comments!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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