Character Bio

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Name: Rexa Jeval

Gender: Female

DOB: July 15th. 22 years of age.

Physical Appearance:

Long Red hair, tied into a braid that fell down her back. Dual green and blue eyes with a pale complexion.

Weapons: Main weapon-Black sword, small details all across the blade(Carries on her back)- Switches between weapons every so often.
Also carries small hidden blades.


Hainley Jeval / Shinra Scientist / Biological Mother /Deceased.

Kieran Lizaro / SOLDER 2nd Class / Biological Father / Deceased.

History prior to Advent Children:

Rexa grew up as a farm girl on Nibelheim with her mother and her father, with no inkling that her parents had previously had been employed by Shinra. With the fear of always being found by Shinra, Hainley always insured her daughter was prepared for the eventuality of her being alone.

Kieran did the same, teaching Rexa as much as he could about survival, going as far as to teach her combat styles even if he wished she would never need them.

When Rexa was eleven, her parents were mysteriously murdered, it wasn't until much later when she discovered that Shinra was responsible.

She was devastated after her parents loss, Rexa was taken in by Tifas parents, Tifa becoming her Surrogate sister soon after.

Through Tifa, Rexa befriended Cloud, another country kid in her hometown.

Cloud became one of her closest friends, unlike everyone else in her village ,  she never ignored the boy and instead, included him in everything she did.

Unbeknownst to the young girl, Shinra kept a very close eye on Rexa, and once she showed displays of knowing Shinra training she was scouted out personally to join the company.

Rexa still had no idea that they were responsible for her parents murder so she was honoured to be noticed by the very same company that had a warrior like Sephiroth in their ranks.

The first SOLDIER's she met were Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis. Yo which the director at the time, assigned Rexa directly to Sephiroth to train under.

Sephiroth as a mentor was ruthless, he would never baby her but she in time grew to respect that about him. It was his way of protecting her.

Genesis however was always playful with Rexa, almost to a point where his interests could be considered as romantic but Rexa couldn't very well tell you that now. always poetry.

Angeal was like her father in many ways , strong, moral and compassionate. He was always a shoulder for her to lean on.

At the age of 17, Rexa was instated as a 2nd class SOLDIER, This is where she met Zack Fair.

At first she didn't know what to think of his super loveable nature but she eventually warmed up to him and they become close friends. She also met Aerith in the slums and they became sisters in a matter of minutes.

Rexas training pulled off as she got promoted to SOLDER first class, Not long before her own friend Cloud join up to Shrina, assigned as an infantry man.

When Genesis and Angeal left Shrina and become "corrupted" Rexa took it very hard and did everything she could to convince them to abandon their dangerous path but to no avail.

When Rexa thought that year couldn't get any worse Sephiroth turned against her, Zack and Shinra.

Now her beloved mentor was gone, killing anything in his path. She didn't know what to do. He wouldn't listen to reason, not even from her so she had no choice but to fight her mentor.

Even with all her training, she was no match for him. Sephiroth defeated her but kept her alive, she would fit into Jenovas design he thought.

Due to them all being seriously injured from their confrontation with Sephiroth, Hojo  easily captured them all for experimenting.

After four long years, Zack was able to break them out but Cloud was suffering under a severe case of Mako poisoning.

Rexas experimentation left her physical appearance altered, one of her eyes had taken on the typical green that most solders have but her scars from Sephiroth remained unhealed. Her strength was zapped and some of her memories were scattered all over the place.

Despite her memory being less than reliable, she trusted in Zack and with him by her side they were able to escape that wretched lab.

After a long and dangerous venture, dodging Shinra Turks and degraded solders, they had been found.

Zack sacrificed himself so that his friends could be safe and live for him.

And that's what they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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