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I turn to my alarm clock and continuously bang it until it stop. I then take a quick shower, eat an apple, apply some light make up and put on white shorts, a navy blue top and some navy shoes as well. I grab my backpack and run out the and see May's black Range Rover.
"Ready for school?"  She asks with a smile plastered on her face. That's the thing about May; she's always happy no matter what someone does or says to her, she'll always find a positive side to everything. Even school.
"Yeah I guess" I reply, getting into the car. We spent the 15 minuet journey jamming out to Taylor swift's 1989 album. She is amazing!

"So, to conclude this assembly, does any staff have any reminders?" 
Oh.My.God. This has got to be the most boring assembly ever. For the last hour we've been listening to mr.Lex drone on and on about how even though it nearly summer we still need to try try our best.
"Actually sir, I do" says Christian, the photography teacher. He insists that we call him by his first name not last.
"The manager from gorgeous girl modeling agency called to see if any girls want to try out to become a model so I said that if anyone from this school wants to try out the can come to the hall tomorrow in first and second period.

I turn to see may with a smile that stretched ear to ear. I already know what's going to happen.

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