Chapter 20

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Grant *POV*

Sitting on the phone, telling Mrs. Johson about my idea-- is hard. Especially when she kept asking these weird questions like, do you even know what toilet paper Violet NEED to use?

I laugh inside my head as I keep listening to her rambling about what Violet need.

"Please Mrs. Johson, I will take good care of her, I just want her to be save, just as much as-- as I know you also want." I said sighing, with a bit of hope in my voice.

"I, well okay." She breathed out.

I couldn't hear my ear, what, she let me? I can.. I can be with Violet forever now, I'm allowed, just about the thought I started to smile like an idiot, my nugget is allowed to run away with me.

I took a deep breath and basically yelled 'Thank you' multiple times in her ear, until I heard the peep, and then I understood she hung up on me, woah.

I threw my phone on my bed as I ran downstairs fast, to tell my parents the awesome news, that I'm allowed.


Now I was on my way to her house, her mom said she will be home in an hour so I can fix stuff, make it look cute, like a proposal but only for running away with her. Also her dad, the monster, the meanie, the douc- yeah you get it, he isnt home and wont be home until tomorrow night so, if only Violet, my beautiful nugget says yes, we'll leave at that very moment.

I knock three times on the door, as I heard someone walking to the door, opening it. I find her brother standing there, looking at me with this.. grin on his face.

"So, you're the one, thats gonna runaway with my lilsis. If you even think of hurting her, I will peronally walk up to your front step and take a fricki-" He was about to say as my eyes goes big.

"SIMON, LET THE BOY BE!" Mrs. Johnson screams from the kitchen.

He sighing and letting me him, I can feel his eyes following my every step, when did he become so..? ehm, so damn scary.

I walked straight to Violets room, and began to do my masterpiece.

A few roses there, all sort of colors, lights down, a little, and I mean little suitcase opened on her bed, with lights in it, and it's a map over the world and over that picture. I've writen 'Will you, Violet, my nugget runaway with me?' in my very very beautiful handwrite. I'm a genius.

I start to feel extremly nervous when I hear a car stop outside the house, she's here.

Oh gawd, she's here, oh gawd, don't freak out, it's only Violet, my girlfriend, my nugget, my life, I don't know what to do if she says no, what if she says no, then she will forever and ever hate me and then I will go insane without her next to me. I'm gonna explode, I might pee myself or bigger chance I might shit myself, oh gawd stop making yourself so damn nervous Grant. Stop it, it''s gonna be okay, toally okay. Won't even be awkward if she says no, not a bit, she's gonna say yes.

She loves me just as much as I love her.

I hear her yelled from downstairs that she is home and started to walk upstairs, omg.

I might faint right now, faint and shit myself.

I see the door slowly opens, the world just stops as I see her face as she tried to turn the light on, that I might have destoryed so she could see how nice I did it, how much I truly love her.

"Violet" I said smiling at her as I stood up from her bed and show her, her own bed.

Her face falls of, she just stands there looking at it, no emotions at all, just looking at it. And now is the time I'm gonna shit my pants, she's gonna say no.

Let Me Be × Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now