Chapter 15

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Violet's *POV*

I was laying in my bed looking at nothing, just thinking about my dad, how to tell Sophie and Grant about it, about him being here and I probably won't even be able to meet them anymore..

As I was laying in bed thinking about it all, suddently the door bell rang, I slowly got out of bed and looked out of my room, trying to see who it was and then I heard mom yelling at me "Violet, it's Grant!".

crap crap crap crap I thought as I ran downstairs and pushed him out and closed the door behind me.

"What are you doing here Grant?" I whispered looking around the house, looking for dad.

"I haven't seen you in a while, just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today?" He said with his big cheesy smile on his face, I can never look away from it, it makes his face look even cuter, hotter, more attractive. I blinked a few times, still looking at his face as I saw his smile slowly fade away.

oh shit, I haven't answered yet.

"I-I can't Grant.." I said looking down at my hands.

"Oh, oh, okay why not?" He asked looking into my eyes, I felt like my soul was ripped apart because I had to lie to the boy I loved.

wai- what, love? no.. only like a little bit, gawd who am I lying to?

"Euhm, I euhm.." As I was about to try and make a really bad excuse, I hear our front door open and my dad's head came out looking straight at Grant, not even giving me some glance.

oh fudge no, this can't be good, that's not even near his normal face, that's his mad bad face.

"G-Grant, you should just leave" I said looking at him at his eyes were on my dad.

"Oh, hello there young boy, I'm Violet's father" My dad said as he made his way to us and took out his hand, trying to look gently, screw that, screw him.

"H-hi, I'm Grant, Violet's.. euhm.. boyfriend" He said nervous, shaking my dads hand, murmured the last part, to make neither of me or my dad to hear.

"Boyfriend?" He asked and busted out laughing at the though of me having a boyfriend.

woaw such a nice dad, sarcasm moment.. in my head.

Grant looked hell of confused at my dad, for laughing.

"Ye-yes sir, we're together." He said, taking my hand, I could feel my face burning so much, I probably look like a frickin' potato right now.

"nonono, she does not and will not have a boyfriend" The man said taking my arm and ripped my away from Grant.

"B-but si-" The brown cute boy tried to say as my dad's face went from pale white to a ketchup bottle.

"NO!! LEAVE HER ALONE, SHE'S MINE" He yelled at Grant's face as he dragged me inside, but I was trying to hard to get away from this horrible man.

He threw me inside and locked the door, looking angry at me, looking like he did the last night of his freedom, before going to prison.

I let a tear fall down, that I first didn't notice until it hit the floor.

"You can't see that boy anymore, not when I'm around" He said and left me on the floor, crying almost beggin for him to let me see Grant, he can't force me to leave him.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and fell on my bed, crying even harder.

Grants *POV*

What the hell did just happened? Was that the man, that was hurting her? Did he freaking yell at my face, to not let me see his daugther anymore? and why did he say she's his? She ain't a frickin' barbiedoll.

I stood outside her house, shocked at what just happened, he took my violet, nugget, my.. girlfriend away from me, just out of my hand like a piece of bread. I stood there for what felt like an hour and just left, still shocked about it all, went to Jack's house, he probably already heard the yelling that just happened.

I was outside his door, ready to ring the doorbell, but somehow I couldn't I just looked at the door, feeling empty, feeling lonely, not knowing what to do without her, I need to talk to her.

I shaked my head and left his house, I couldn't talk to him, let him see me like this, like a mess. Like a pizza without toppings, like Tarzan without his Jane, just like a lost puppy.

I walked home, super slow, kicking every rock I could find on the ground, having my hands in my pockets and sighing a lot, not knowing what to do anymore. I was crushed, broken to hear her own dad say I can't be with his daugther.


I needed to find a way to just talk to her I thought as I walked into my room, dark blue walls, with some posters of movies and games, my big size bed with don't call me dorkish now but with The Avengers on it, and the pillows had  the text Marvel on them.

Can't help it, Marvel is amazing.

I took my phone and decided to call Violet at ask what the hell happened back there.

I sat on my bed, nervous as hell, listening to the beeping on the phone, waiting to hear her soft nice voice, after a while of waiting, she finally answered.

"Vio" I said breathing out, glad that she answered her phone.

"Grant" She said, but no emotion in her voice.

"W-what happened back at your place?" I asked, feeling even more nervous.

"H-he doesn't... want me to have..friends, even though I usually dont have friends, or a.. euhm.. boyfriend" She said, and I could hear her smile by calling me boyfriend.

"Where" I took a deep breath and contuined "where have he been all this time Vio?"

"Oh, euhm, well, yeah.. prison" She said quiet.

"WHAT?!" I whsiper-yelled at her, oh gawd he's out, he've done something bad, and probably to her family, to her.

"I.. Vio, you should have let me know." I said whispering, feeling my eyes watering.

"I know, Grant I know" She sighed and ended the call.

what am I gonna do now? I wanna make her feel safe. Not having her dad near her again, he might hurt her, I'm gonna help her, but I need help.

Jack and Sophie. But.. should I tell them Violet's big secret and hope that they'll help me, make her safe again?

Will they even believe me?

A/N: I'm sorry, this is such a shitty, short chapter, but it's atleast something, oh and I'll try write more often now that I'm home and stuff, but I kinda dunno what to write sometimes, specially this chapter, had no idea, but still I hope you liked it and thanks for reading, voting and commeting means alot to me! love y'all xKarro

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