11. The Good and The Bad

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"Hey, Charli." Alex hurried to my side. Even though I knew he was a student here, I was surprised to see him. I had never seen him around so I assumed that we didn't share any classes on the same days. For a while, I had forgotten about Alex. I had given him my number nearly a week and a half ago and never heard back from him. So in my mind, he forgot about me too. But that wasn't the case.

"Hi." I responded timidly. He smiled at me, his cheek dimples standing out. I smiled back just to be polite. I walked faster, pretending to be in a rush. I didn't really want to stick around and have a conversation with him.

"Sorry that I haven't called you. I got caught up with a little bit of family stuff." He explained. "But I would love to take you out tonight if you're up for it." He offered. I didn't respond right away. I had to think this out for a moment. Honestly, after hearing that Xavier encouraged Alex to ask me out I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out with him anymore. How could I bring myself to go out with someone that I'm not interested in?And on top of that, I'm interested in his best friend. There's no way.

"Sure" I said yes anyway. I mentally face palmed myself immediately afterward. How could I be so stupid? I felt terrible saying no so I didn't. But then I realized that I felt just as bad saying yes. Alex smiled wide, refusing to hide his excitement. I returned it. That's when we saw Xavier coming toward us. After greeting Alex, he draped his lengthy arm over my shoulders.

"What's going on?" He asked with a smile on his face. I raised my eyebrows at his random happiness. What was he so smiley about?

"Nothing much." I was vague with my answer. He rolled his eyes before speaking again.

"If I heard correctly, you two are going out tonight." He smiled back and forth between Alex and I. I nodded my head slowly while Alex nodded his head rapidly. My stomach was turning. I wondered if they could tell that I wasn't too excited.

"Finally." Xavier glanced at his best friend. "Anyway, we have to go. We're already late."

He motioned for Alex to follow him down the hallway. I was nearly relieved.
"Is 7 o'clock okay?" Alex asked as he walked backward down the hallway. I nodded my head in agreement. I inhaled and exhaled dramatically once they disappeared into the crowd. I was disappointed in myself for letting this happen. There was no going back now.


I wore a simple black dress, denim jacket, and black flats on my date with Alex. We arrived at a restaurant in SoHo around 8:00. Even though it was small, it was a lot fancier than any restaurant that I'd ever been to. I began to feel underdressed when I saw everyone else wearing dresses and suits. But I didn't feel too bad since Alex was underdressed as well.

"Two for Howard." Alex spoke to the man standing behind a mahogany podium at the front of the restaurant. The man scanned his list and nodded his head. Grabbing two menus, he motioned us for us to follow him. Ironically, we ended up getting the farthest table in the back, nearly excluded from everyone else. It was actually really romantic. The man placed our menus down on the table while Alex pulled out a chair for me.

"Enjoy your dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard." With that the man walked away. Alex and I glanced at each other for a moment before laughing. How could he think we were married? Alex sat across from me, very obviously excited. I decided to push away my doubts and have a good time. I would hate to turn him down just because of my own stupid thoughts.

"I know you weren't too excited to come out with me tonight but I'm glad that you're giving me chance." He said. I immediately felt terrible. I thought I had been subtle about my feelings but I was wrong. I didn't want him to think that it was something about him because it wasn't.

"I'm sorry. I was just a little hesitant about seeing someone new. I hope you didn't take it personally." I stated. He shook his head, no.

"Not at all. I think I'll change your mind by the end of the night." He smiled a familiar boyish smile, making me grin as well. But before I could respond, a young waitress arrived at our table. Her blonde hair was tied into a high ponytail and her blue eyes were shielded by thick glasses. She dressed in the restaurant's uniform of black slacks and a white button-up shirt.

"Hey, Alex." She spoke directly to my date. Alex smiled up at her as if he'd known her for years. Turned out, he did.

"I didn't know you were working tonight." He responded. She rolled her big, round eyes as if she was frustrated or even irritated.

"Yeah I didn't either. My manager called me in last minute." She explained right before glancing over at me. Alex quickly snapped out of his "aha" moment.

"Sorry. Charli, this is my friend Kelly. She grew up with me and X. Kelly, this is my date Charli. She goes to Juilliard too." He introduced me. I smiled and waved politely at the young girl. She raised her eyebrows and nodded in approval, looking back at Alex.

"You're so pretty. Why are you on a date with him?" She commented. I couldn't hold in my laughter. She laughed along with me as Alex rolled his eyes. Our laughing quickly died down. "I'm just kidding, Alex." She justified. Kelly smiled at me one more time before leaving us alone.

For the rest of the night, Alex and I laughed and joked. He was a lot funnier than I thought he would be and he was a true gentleman. I didn't expect to talk as much as I did but I found myself rambling on and on about my life and my dreams. And he did the same. He told me about what it was like growing up in Westchester and going to private school for all of his life. He wanted a chance to find himself in the city, where he would be able to experience life the way he never did. That's why he decided to go to Julliard. He even told me about his alcoholic sister and his abusive father. He taught me that it's true when they say money doesn't buy you happiness.

When Alex drove me home, I accepted a second date. He wasn't lying when he said he would change my mind by the end of the night. I liked him and I was excited to go on another date. I hadn't even thought about Xavier once. Before heading into my building, he planted a kiss on my hand. I couldn't deny that he was charming as hell.

But when I got upstairs, my night was ruined. Unfortunately, Auntie Kel wasn't home but Jared was. When I walked in, he was sitting comfortably on the couch with a half empty beer bottle in his hand. I rolled my eyes as he looked me up and down. He was drunk so I couldn't predict what was on his mind. For a moment, I reprimanded myself for assuming that he was a predator again but he soon proved me to be right. As I made my way to the bathroom to change, Jared caught hold of my arms. He pushed my body against the paint-chipped wall. I could smell the alcohol on his breath from a mile away. "Where were you tonight?" He asked aggressively. I pushed his arm away with as much force as I could.

"I don't have to tell you shit." I spat. His nostrils flared indicating that he was angry as well. But he had no reason to be.

"Was that your little boyfriend that dropped you off?" He lowered his voice but his tone was more frightening. His breathing got heavier and he took hold of my arm again I tried pushing it off again but he wouldn't budge. He forced me to the ground and I suddenly felt my dress rising. I squirmed when I realized his motive. He was going to rape me. I screamed but he covered my mouth, muffling any sound that escaped. And before I knew it, he had his way. I cried harder than I ever had before as I continued to fight.

Not my best chapter but I really wanted to publish something for you guys since I'm so behind on my writing. Comment and Vote, Loves!

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