13-Under The Sea

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"Wow, this place is really pretty!"

I looked out at the ocean in front of me. We had finally made it to the coast where our kishin targets were said to be found.

We stood on the sand in our swimsuits with our partners in weapon form. I had on a black and white bikini (in the pic) while Kid wore black swim trunks with a skull printed on the side of each leg.

Kid looked at me. "Too bad the view is ruined by the fact that there are kishins under the surface of the water."

With my hands on my hips, I sighed. "Yeah, but once we get rid of them, this'll be a great place to relax."

I hesitantly stepped into the water. I looked back to see Kid beginning to follow. I took a few more steps as the water slowly got deeper and deeper.

I stopped when the water reached up to my hips. Kid stopped beside me.

"How are we supposed to find and fight something that lives underwater?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea, but one things for sure-ah!"

In an instant, I felt something around my ankle as I was drug under the water. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Kid's voice.

Kid's pov


In the blink of an eye, she was gone. She disappeared under the water. My grip tightened around my twin pistols.

"Kid, we have to go after them!"

"I know, whatever happens, stay in weapon form, both of you!"

They answered in unison, "Right!"

I made my way to the deeper water and took a deep breath before diving under. The water was surprisingly deep.

Making my way past a small reef, I come to a sudden drop off. At the bottom of it, I could see what looked like some kind of undersea ruins.

I headed to the entrance and went inside, finding the entire place was free of water. I caught my breath before looking back at the entrance again.

It was like there was some kind of barrier keeping the water out. I looked down the dark corridor in front of me.

"This place is really creepy, I don't like it!"

Patty laughed at her sister's shaky voice. "No way, this place is cool!"

"Come on, you two. We need to find Luna and the twins."

I summoned Beelzebub and skated effortlessly down the corridor. Please let them be okay.

Luna's pov

Feeling something slimy across my skin, I opened my eyes slightly, coughing up some of the water I inhaled.

"Ah, she's awake."

"This one's a bit young, but cute nonetheless."

Looking around, I see three humanoid creatures in front of me. One looked like some kind of crustacean with hardened, reddish skin and pincers for hands.

One had smooth grey skin with big black eyes and a tail protruding behind him.

The last one was the grossest. He looked like a pale gelatinous blob with his lower half being a mass of tentacles. His slimy tentacles were the things holding me in place.

All of them grinned at me with pointy teeth. These must be the kishins. That's when I realized the twins weren't on my hands like usual, they were no where to be seen.

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