21-End Of The Owl Witch

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The pic is what Maple looks like.

After taking a nap to rest after that mission, I got a quick snack and stayed in my room almost all day. I didn't want to face Kid, not after what I did.

As the sun was setting, I decided to take a shower. I got some clean night clothes and headed toward the bathroom. I noticed the door was cracked open a bit.

I peeked through the crack to see Kid leaning against the counter. Wearing only his pajama pants, he fumbled with removing his bloody bandages with only one hand.

I slowly opened the door and went inside before shutting the door behind me. Kid's head turned toward me as his eyes widened slightly.


I went over to him, gently taking his right arm. "Here, let me help you."

He nodded and let me remove the blood coated bandages. I got a wet cloth and cleaned the marks on his arm. It was quiet as I examined them more closely. They went pretty deep.

I broke the silence by sadly saying, "I can't believe I did this to you."

I felt his gaze on me as he replied, "But it wasn't your fault. It was Maple that caused this, not you."

I started bandaging up his wound. "But I fell for her trick. I let her hypnotize me."

As I finished, I stepped back with my head in my hands as I cried. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you!"

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me. I pulled my hands away to see Kid was hugging me against his bare chest.

"Luna, how many times do I need to tell you, it wasn't your fault. I forgive you. There's no reason to cry."

I quietly wrapped my arms around him, returning his hug. When I pulled away, I wiped my eyes and smiled.

"Thank you, Kid."

He smiled and leaned in, pushing his lips against mine. I eagerly returned his kiss. When we pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine and looked straight into my eyes.

He kissed me one more time before releasing me and slipping on his pajama shirt. He then came over to me again.

"Luna, promise me you won't be so hard on yourself from now on. You don't have to take the blame for everything."

I slowly nodded. "Okay. I promise."

He smiled and left, shutting the door behind him. I took a quick shower before slipping into a nightgown and heading back to my room.

I grabbed the small device from my bedside table and sat on my bed. Soul had agreed to let me borrow this little rhythm game from him and I figured this was a good time to try it out.

I started a rock and roll song and pressed the buttons to the beat. I started bobbing my head to the music. Wow, I think I love this game.

I got a pretty high score considering this was my first time playing. After that song, I started playing a pop song.

At that moment, I heard my door open and close. I took a quick glance before returning my gaze to the screen.

"Hi, Kid."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him coming over to me. "Luna, what are you doing?"

As I focused on the song, I told him, "Soul let me borrow this cool rhythm game."

Kid sat beside me, looking over my shoulder as I played. When I finished the song, I looked at Kid.

"This game is awesome. I'm going to try to beat Soul's scores before I return it. What are you doing here anyway?"

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