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Our big sleepover was a lot of fun. After breakfast the next morning, everyone headed home and the rest of the weekend flew by.

Monday morning, we all headed to the DWMA like usual. As soon as we went inside, there were banners everywhere saying that there was going to be a school dance this Friday night.

Drake seemed to be very excited about it. He jumped around talking about how awesome it will be.

After going to class, Stein announced the event before starting another dissecting lesson today. All around the room, I noticed people kept looking at me.

I shrank back in my seat a bit, wishing for them to stop. Drake asked me, "What's wrong, Lulu?"

I glanced around before replying, "Everybody keeps looking at me."

He glanced around. "Yeah, I can see that."

As soon as class was over, I rushed to the lunchroom, hoping to be left alone by those weirdos staring at me.

Kid's pov

As everyone rushed to the lunchroom, I hung back along with Soul and a couple of other people.

Soul grinned. "Hey, Kid. Did you notice all those guys staring at Luna?"


I thought Luna was acting a bit strange. "You are going to ask her to the dance, right?"

I nodded. "I was planning to."

"Better hurry before someone else asks her then."


We both headed to the lunchroom. Getting our food and sitting down, I realized that Luna was missing.

I asked the twins, "Where's Luna?"

Drew replied, "I think she went outside. A few guys were harassing her so she went somewhere quiet."

I quickly ate some of my lunch before heading outside. Sure enough, I found Luna at that place beyond the trees that overlooks the city.

I approached her, placing my hand on her shoulder. She turned toward me with a slight smile.

"Hi, Kid."

"I thought I'd find you out here. What happened?"

She sighed. "Several guys were asking me to go with them to the dance. I kept declining, but they wouldn't just go away."

"Oh, I see. Well I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question then."

She shook her head. "Not at all."

I cleared my throat. "Would you like to be my date for the dance?"

She smiled. "Of course. I was waiting for you to ask me."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. I returned her hug, wrapping my arms around her waist.

I smiled at her when she pulled away. "And don't worry. Just stick with me and I'll make sure no one bothers you."

She happily nodded. "Okay."

We returned to the lunchroom and I had Luna sit beside me this time. She started eating her lunch until I noticed Hiro walking over.

He stopped in front of Luna, who looked up at him. "Umm, hey, Luna. So, this dance on Friday, I was wondering if-"

He stopped midsentence upon looking at me. I guess he finally noticed the cold glare I was giving him.

"You know what, never mind. I'm sorry for bothering you."

He quickly walked away. Luna turned to me, giggling. "Now that was funny. Way to go, Kid."

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