~Chapter One~

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I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know what I was doing. All I needed to do was find help. But how am I going to find help in a forest, which is going nowhere. Just trees in my vision.

You should've never left the group.

You should've stayed and been safe there.

I kept telling myself that, but I knew I wouldn't have been able to stay after what happened. Being blamed for something that wasn't my fault. I held my knife in one hand, and kept my gun in the other. Getting tired of seeing these Z's around. One ran up to me, and I didn't hesitate to shoot it in the head.

I knew shooting a gun was a terrible idea, but I have no choice. Either that, or come face to face with a zombie with my knife. I knew this sound would attract more. After I saw about two of them, I started running. They started chasing after me. I looked back, and shot one of them in the head. The other one was still following me.

I didn't want to keep wasting my bullets. There's not many left.

I knew I should've grabbed more at the camp.

I shook my head, realizing I'm not a thief. I looked back again, and shot the zombie, but not in the head. It was still following me. Suddenly, since I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I tripped over a dead tree branch, and slammed my head into this rock.

My vision started getting blurry. I turned over, and the zombie landed on me, and was trying his hardest to bite me. Even though my vision was the worst, I did all I could to push him away. But this thing was stronger than me. All of a sudden, the zombie was shot in the head, and fell off of me. I go to see who did it, but that's when everything went black.

~Different P.O.V.~

I was watching this girl getting chased by Z's. She had shot one right in his head, but the other one kept following her. She shot another bullet, but it did no damage. Then she finally tripped, and slammed her head, and the zombie got on top of her.

I had to do something.

I can't just leave her there to die.

There's already enough Z's in this world.

I looked through the scope, and shot the Z in the head. He fell off of her.

"3,178" I said to myself.

Then she looked over at me. Didn't get the chance to look at me completely since her eyes shut. I jumped out of the tree I was in, and ran up to her. Her head was bleeding from falling on the rock, and she had a little gash because of it.

I pulled a rag out of my pocket, and wiped her head ever so gently. I put my ear by her mouth. Still breathing. I'm I couldn't just leave her here. I picked her up, and started walking. I had to at least find a tree she could lay on, and for me to keep an eye on here.

Maybe she doesn't want you to watch her.

You might've saved her, but why does she need you to save her more?

Then I found the perfect tree. The branch laid perfectly where she could lay on it, and not get hurt by a Z. I laid her down, and pushed her hair out of her face. I slightly smiled, and ran back to the tree I was at. I climbed up the branches, and watched over for other Z's.

~Back to Girls P.O.V.~

"I won't do it" I said to Maddox.

He slapped me in my face, and lifted me off my feet.

"Do it, Alexandria!" he yelled at me.

He threw me to the floor, and kicked me in my sides, causing me to shriek in pain.

"Fuck you, Maddox."

He grabbed me by my neck, and slammed me to the wall.

"You think this is some game? I'm not playing this with you. Do it, or die. Your choice" he said as he let go of me.

He threw the gun at me, and left the room. I picked up the gun, and looked at the door. Screaming was all I heard through the house.

Then I woke up to the worst pain in my head. Fucking Zombie. I put my hand on my head, and gasped in pain, moving my hand away from my head.

"Ah, shit" I said to myself.

Then I realized I was in a tree. How did I get up here? I looked around to see nothing in sight.

Did I get up here, and don't remember?

I jumped out of the tree, and looked around me. I pulled my gun out, and checked how much bullets I had left. Two.


I looked back up to see a zombie. I walked slowly back to the tree, and hid. I didn't want it to see me. But I knew it was already too late. It saw me before I could hide. I turned back to it, and shot it.

Damn, I missed it again.

Why is my aim so bad today?

It attacked me, taking me down to the ground. I couldn't shoot it. I only had one bullet left, and I couldn't reach towards the head.

I had to at least try. I pulled my arm up, and pulled the trigger, but the zombie jerked me down, and I shot at a tree. Shit!

I tried to reach for my knife, but the Z was just about to bit me, until a gun shot went off. The Z got shot in its head, and fell off of me. I got up as fast as I could, and looked to see where that sound came from.


The guy jumped out of the tree and looked at me. He was very familiar.

"Your the guy that shot that zombie off of me earlier" I said to him.

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