Chapter 1

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Zane 's P.O.V

My heart was pounding out of my chest at the moment. What moment was this anyways? I had so much to ask her, so much to know and so much to understand. What exactly was this moment? Was this the moment to finally be glad that I found her, finally. Or was it the moment to let her go for what she's put everyone through.

The mixture of emotions I was facing at the moment were confusing. I was hurt, angry, confused, sad, scared; Definitely in love.

Tears were welling up in my bloodshot, red eyes as I ran down the slippery, marble floor of the hospital; adrenaline kicking in. This really isn't happening. I know that she has always left me for a while or so, but I can't imagine her leaving me forever. She promised she'll come back home. She told me to wait-''Eternity'', is what I replied to her.

"Sir wait up, please!" I heard Briana request from behind me, however I was too caught up in my own fear. Fear of losing her. With a another jolt of speed, I turned left finally facing the alley that led to the ICU. My heart pounded yet again as I came face to face with my fear. Just looking at the door makes me so nauseous. The tears ran down my cheeks as I took few steps towards the door - hands shaking.

"Zane, Sir?" I could hear Briana panting behind me as she caught up. My lips were quivering and chills were running down my spine. This can't be happening. Please don't take her away from me god! Please don't!

"Excuse me miss, you'll have to take him to the waiting area till the surgery is done." Someone stated, which I assumed was a nurse. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as doctors and nurses rushed past me. Trays of cotton, covered in blood were laying on top of each other.

"Do-Doctor!" I began as he turned around to give me a frown full of sympathy. He exchanged looks between me and Brianna.

"H-How, I-Is she- I-Is J-Jules alright-" Words were becoming hard to form as I stuttered. Tears sprang down my cheeks again.

"We are really trying our best. We're sorry but she's really in a crucial state. The venom is spreading fast in her body we must d-" The doctor sighed, however was interrupted as a nurse popped her head out of the ICU, looking frantic. She hesitantly glanced at the three figures in front of her.

"Doc, the patient is losing a lot of blood from the cut she has formed." What? Juliet self-harmed herself? Panic began to kick in, in all of us.

"Save her! I don't care whatever it takes but j-just save her please!" I yelled as the Doctor ran back in. My knees were becoming too weak to stand. To weak to be strong when Juliet is...

"Juliet!" I screamed, tugging at the end of my roots.


It has been, god knows, how many hours since Juliet has been in the surgery. The tear stains are still there on my cheeks and my shirt. I feel so nervous, so scared. My head is hurting so much from thinking about the possibility of her being alive. I know she'll survive. Juliet was strong. As strong as a diamond that can't be broken. She was precious to me. Just like a diamond. The doctor finally came out with a weak smile upon his tired, creased up face.

"She's a strong lady I must admit." He chuckled slightly as I sniffed in agreement.

"The venom she drank didn't really affect her body however, as strong as she is, she is a clever one as well." He retorted as he rubbed his temples.

"W-What do you exactly mean?" I questioned, feeling my hands becoming sweaty from the nervousness.

"Mr Griffin, In order for the venom to kill you, it should get inside your bloodstream. I guess after drinking it, Ms. Rivera knew it didn't work so she drew three cuts on her thigh and covered the cuts with the venom. That caused the venom to spread across her body pretty fast as she already drank some as well. Furthermore, there was a constant bleeding from her stomach internally as it seems like she tried to injure herself, there specifically." He frowned as he reported. Hearing this made me even more scared though I know I should be happy about the fact that she made it. She survived. My Juliet survived.

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