Chapter 2 (a)

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Photograph by Ed Sheeran is the song above if you haven't noticed. Everyone has an inspiration in their life... I guess that was mine. I remember the time when I was listening to this song on the plane back to where I live from my actual homeland. Everything clicked in place; I clocked on to the oblivious that was happening and a reminder of going apart from my homeland and family burnt me. Burnt me so bad that it left its scar as a memory on my heart.

Enjoy guys :) Malaika x



Juliet 's P.O.V

''You've got to be kidding me.'' I mumbled under my breath as the cold water ran down my face along with my upper body; wetting each strand of my hair and my 'cool kids don't dance' tank top. Teenagers around me were laughing, however the laughter from a group of boys was more clear to me.

I felt the pain along my jawline which was hung wide open. I tried to clear my vision from the blurry sight. My eyes squinted, trying to set upon the seven figures in front of me. The boys.

One of them particularly stood out to me as he stood in front of everyone else - the rest 6 figures mentally patted him on the back for his stupidity.

"Aw. did I ruin, miss I'm a new student give me attention's make up?" He chuckled as his eyebrows rose, revealing his brown eyes. Douche. Him being in this room is not good. So not good if he continues to be a stupid child in front me. NO.

"You OK?" A high pitched voice asked me from behind - worriedly. She grabbed a bunch of tissues from her food tray, placing them in front me. My expressionless face stared at the plain-white tissues. I pushed her hand away as I proceeded to dry my face with my hands.

Rebecca stepped in front of me. She gave all the boys a glare as another boy stepped forward to stand next to the tanned boy.

"What in the world is wrong with you guys?!" She tried defending me.

"Becca, babe I think she can speak for herself." The blond guy replied, who just stepped forward. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Sure she can. She just wouldn't want to waste her breath talking to teenage dirt bags like you, Brooklyn." She clicked her tongue at the end. Her tall body stood in long heels and a tight black dress. I internally laughed at her as she tried to help me out. I don't need help. I don't want anyone to help me out. No one can help me out. The whole canteen broke into 'ooe's '. The other guy who actually poured water on me stood there smugly.

"Becca, she's a new-bee. Let her introduce herself. She should introduce herself," The tanned boy bit his bottom lip as he stared at me intensely, engulfing his hands in his jean pockets.

"Shut up Zane," Becca rolled her eyes.

"Does she even talk?" The Brooklyn guy questioned.

"Actually, Zane..." I raised my voice while saying his name. My feet took few steps forward till I was only inches away from them.

"He's right. I should introduce myself, and Brooklyn like Becca said, I wouldn't want to waste my breath on douche bags like you." I shook my head, chuckling along. Zane stood there amused- a slight glint in his eyes, whereas Brooklyn furrowed his brows.

"Juliet, don't waste your time. Let's go." Becca groaned.

"Ah, Juliet. Found your lost Romeo yet?" Brooklyn chuckled as everyone joined in.
"Juliet. The foolish Juliet," Zane smirked. I took few more steps till I was a mere inch away from him.

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