No. 23 Undercover

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SUMMARY: Eric gets sent undercover with Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones who he has never met before. Their mission find the mole in NSA and be a convincing married couple.

Chapter 1
Eric's POV

"Mr Beale I have an assignment for you," said Hetty
"what is it? Wait don't tell me fight crime, kick butt, hack the unhackable?" I joked
"no, you're going undercover,"
My face went from a smile to a frown I'd never been undercover before "why me?"
"because no one else here knows what you know about computers. You'll be going undercover at the NSA you will be the new analyst along with your wife,"
"my wife?" I said confused Hetty nodded and handed me a file
"read this it will tell you everything about the mission and your backstories," she handed me a slip of paper with an address on it "here's your new wife's address, good luck Mr Beale," she smiled and walked off I took a deep breath 'you can do this Beale' I told myself. I grabbed my tablet and left ops and went home to pack.

Chapter 2
Eric's POV
After packing for an hour I was finally ready Hetty informed me that my phone, tablet and other devices had to stay behind and new ones would be provided at my new house along with my new work attire "goodbye flip flops, hello leather shoes" I said, I grabbed my suitcases and said goodbye to my house I then got in my car and drove to the address Hetty gave me.

I drove up to the house of Nell Jones my new wife I got out the car and straightened up my clothes in the car window I turned around and there she was. Suitcases in hand, wearing a floral dress, black stockings and a 3/4 cardigan she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen I snapped myself out of my stare and walked towards her with a smile. She held out her hand and I took it shaking her hand "Nell Jones," she said
"I know... I mean Eric Beale," she smiled at me and we stared at each other "shall we get going?" I suggested
"sure," she said I grabbed her suitcases and put them in the boot we got in the car and drove to our undercover home.

Chapter 3
Nell's POV

"This is it," said Eric I looked out the car window at our little house. It had white bricks with a blue roof and a large black door and there were plenty of flowers in the garden to keep me busy. "Are you ready?" Eric asked
"As ready as I'll ever be," I said nervously
"Is this your first time going undercover?" he asked I nodded he smiled and grabbed my hand "Me too,"
"Are you nervous?" I asked
"Very. I always seem to mess things up and I sure as hell don't want to mess this up because I don't want to get you killed,"
"Don't worry I'm good at protecting myself," we smiled and got out the car Eric got our suitcases out the boot and we entered our home.
"What do you think?"
"I love it, hubby," I smiled kissing him on the cheek. "Ok so we have one day to unpack and catch up on what we have to do,"
"We better get started then,"

"Well I'm famished, what about you?" I asked
"Yeah I could go for some food," he replied we decided to order a pizza and we discovered that we were both a fan of Hawaiian pizza, when our pizza came we sat on the couch and watched 'Grown ups 2'.

Eric's POV

"I love that movie," I laughed wiping tears away from my eyes
"Me too," said Nell, I looked at my watch and realized it was 11:30pm
"We better get to bed we've got a big day tomorrow," I said, Nell nodded. We got up and got ready for bed
"Goodnight Mr Fuller," she said
"Goodnight Mrs Fuller," I replied, I gave her hug and a kiss on the forehead and then we went to bed.

Chapter 4
Nell's POV

I woke up hungry, the sun was shining in my face so I decided to get up and make some scrambled eggs but I couldn't get up a pair of arms was wrapped around me I turned my head to see Eric I smiled and snuggled into him. This mission was going to be hard for me since this guy was so attractive and I already found myself falling in love with him. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

Beep... Beep... Beep
I turned off the alarm clock and snuggled back in bed Eric still had his arms around me "No I don't want to get up... I want to stay in bed,"
"we can't we've got to go to work," I smiled
"well I'm not moving," he tightened his grip around me and kissed the back of my neck
"what are you doing?" I asked
"We might be being watched," he said he released his grip and I got up and started making breakfast. Eric came into the kitchen and we sat next to each other at the table and had a lovely breakfast he got up and cleared our plates whilst I read the paper and drank some coffee. I walked into our bedroom and into the bathroom to find Eric getting out the shower with no towel on "Oh god sorry," I turned away quickly and he put a towel on we walked past each other not making eye contact and we continued to get ready.

Eric's POV
"Are you ready for our first day at NSA?" I asked
"Not really," she replied
"Why not?"
"I've heard bad things about this place,"
"I'm sure it can't be that bad,"
"True," we got out the car and walked into the building hand in hand.

A lady with short blond hair who walked kind of like the queen in her tight skirt came towards us along with a tall handsome man, they gave us a smile and we smiled back I noticed the man looked at Nell in a creepy way and I knew it made her feel uncomfortable I felt sorry for her, the lady finally decided to speak which cut a little bit of the tension.

"You must be our new Analysts. I'm Joy Templeton and this is my husband Roy," we shook their hands
"Nice to meet you I'm Louise Fuller and this is my husband Jake,"
"Well please follow us and we'll give you a little tour," we followed them around for their hour long tour we were shown our offices and then left on our own.

Nell's POV

E- I'm so tired I just finished a mountain load of paper work
N- Me too. How about we go out and do something?
E- Do you want to meet up and get lunch in 10mins?
N- Sounds good where do you want to meet?
E- By the car?
N- Ok cya there :)
E- Ok. Love you bye xxoo

My heart jumped at what he said but then I remembered it was just an act I finished up my last bit of paperwork and then headed off to meet Eric for lunch.


Eric's POV

"I'm so glad we're home!" Nell exclaimed, I laughed walking into the kitchen I flicked the switch on the kettle and looked outside at the pouring rain "Wow it is raining cats and dogs out there," I said to myself 30minutes ago it was sunshine and rainbows now it's raining and there's dark black clouds in the sky. Suddenly Nell walked into the kitchen "Hey I'm going to start dinner what would you like?" She asked
"I kind of fancy lasagne,"
"Lasgne it is then," she smiled

"Dinner is served," said Nell sliding a plate of lasagna towards me
"Thank you Nell," I smiled tucking into my Lasagna which was the best lasagna I'd ever had "that was delicious," I said I wiped my mouth with a napkin and then got up and got us both a beer we sat on the couch and decided to play 'Truth or Dare'
"Ok Nell, Truth or Dare?"
"Have you ever fallen for someone you worked with?" I asked, Nell sighed
"I just got out of a relationship with a guy that I worked with. We both loved each other but our boss found out and he was fired, now he hates me,"
"Oh I'm sorry," I said
"Anyway Truth or Dare?"
"when you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?" she asked
"Well I wanted to be a veterinarian until I saw my dog cut his leg on some barb wire and his blood went everywhere, it kind of grossed me out,"
"Eww," Nell giggled making me smile
"Truth or Dare?" I asked
"Dare," she said I gave her an evil smile
"Stand outside in the rain until I say you can come in," Nell let out a big sigh, she got up and went outside after a while she came in side I handed her a towel and helped her dry off.
"You're evil," she said as I dried her shoulders I stared into her beautiful Hazel eyes and was about to lean in for a kiss when I stopped myself. I let Nell change her clothes then we continued "Truth or Dare?" she asked
"Kiss me," she said, I smiled and leaned forward I cupped my hands around her face and kissed her like there was no tomorrow I could feel her smiling through the kiss we separated for air and stared at each other I gave her a smile and went to kiss her again but she stopped me "its not you its just... I really like you and well... I want things to work out between us I really do but maybe we should focus on the operation and worry about our relationship later," Nell suggested
"I understand," I said. She stood up and offered me her hand I took it and she helped me up, I pecked her on the lips and then we went to bed.

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