Nightmares come true Pt 2

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"where did it happen this time?" he asked
"In an alley West 30 third Street," I replied
"Don't worry Kensi its just a dream as long as you're with me you're safe."
"Deeks...I'd just like to say thanks for ah...for letting me stay at yours while I'm not sleeping properly,"
"Kensi that's fine you're my partner I'd do anything for you,"
"We found our killer... meet Mr John Lee,"
"so where do we find this guy?" asked Callen
"he works at a restaurant on West 30 third street
"Kensi, Deeks he's coming your way," Sam said through the ear wig we entered the kitchen Deeks and I seperated all of a sudden I heard a large crash" DEEKS!" I screamed he emerged from behind the shelves
"Kensi behind you!" he yelled but before I could turn around he grabbed me he wrapped his arm around my neck and took my gun he pointed it at my head "put the gun down or I'll blow her head off,"

Sam took another step forward Lee pointed the gun at Sam and fired he grabbed my arm and ran "Kensi!" Deeks yelled running after me. We got outside and just before Lee shoved me into his van I saw Deeks running towards us "DEEKS!" I yelled he shot at Lee missing him "Deeks no!"
"Kensi!"he yelled back "I love you," he said just as Lee shoved my into his Van and slammed the door then he sped off.

And now...

Chapter 1
Deeks' POV

"Deeks do you have Kensi?" Callen asked through the earwig
"no Kensi's gone along with Lee,"
"Can you call an ambulance?"
"Sure," I replied

Nell's POV
"We just received a video clip from a secret website we tried tracing it backk to the URL and got nothing we're also searching through Kaleidoscope for the van but... it may take a while," I said to Deeks and the others
"Whatever," Deeks mumbled storming towards Ops
"Thanks Nell," said Callen and Sam patting me on the back before walking into Ops I sighed and then followed them into Ops.

Deeks POV
"If you want you're girlfriend back Detective you have to give me something in return," Lee said "meet me at 17-21 Wall Street warehouse for the swap. I want $500,000 and a 1hour head start against authorities. Come along or she dies," he continued placing a gun to Kensi's heap then the video finished.

Hetty walked in just as the video finished she looked angry and I knew she wanted to kill Lee "let's give him what he wants," she said shocking everyone in the room "but hetty..." Callen started
"No but Hetty I want my agent back. We'll give him the money and hide a camera on one of the buttons and put a tracker in the handle we'll also put some tracker spray on the money incase he ditches the bag," ordered Hetty
"Yes!" Eric yelled
"What is it?" I asked
"Kaleidoscope just got a hit on the van it's parked outside of...Hetty's house," he replied
"Son of a..." started Hetty
"Come on let's go," Callen said interrupting Hetty he ran out of Ops with Sam following closely behind
"Bring her home Mr Deeks," said Hetty I nodded and ran out of Ops.

Chapter 2
Deeks POV
"Deeks and I will take the front you go around the back," said Sam. We pointed our guns and ran to the front door Callen ran around the back we readied our guns and Sam kicked down the door we ran inside and seperated searching for Kensi room by room "Kensi!" Sam yelled
"Clear!" Callen yelled
"Clear!" yelled Sam
"Clear," I said confused we met up in Hetty's living room
"She's not here," said Callen
"Then wby park the van outside?" asked Sam
"Because its a trap," I said pointing to a security camera "they're watching us," suddenly the TV turned on and it started counting down "you have 10 seconds to live 10...9...8...7..." we ran out of the house as fast as we could we made it outside just as the house exploded the force of the blast pushed us to the floor.

Callens POV
"You blew up my house and more importantly you didn't get my agent back Mr Callen," said Hetty furious
"I'm sorry Hetty we didn't know there was a bomb he led us right into a trap,"
"The exchange is in an hour don't screw that up as well," said Hetty strorming off

Chapter 3
Deeks POV
I pulled up at the warehouse a few minutes early Lee hadn't arrived yet so I sat in the car and thought about the time Kensi and I first met, I thought about how when I first saw her in that MMA gym I instantly fell in love and ever since then I'd been trying to tell her how I felt but was to scared of her rejecting me. I opened the glove compartment and pulled out a black and white photo of me and Kensi sitting on the beach she had her head on my shoulder and we were nuzzled into each other it was a nice photo taken by Nell I remember her telling us how she had secretly sat hidden in the bushes. I put the photo back and vowed to tell Kensi how I felt as soon as I got her back, just then Lee's car pulled up.

Sam's POV
"Tell me where she is you son of a b***h!" Deeks yelled I held him back as best I could as Callen handcuffed Lee
"Deeks take a walk we'll find out where she is," I said letting go of Deeks he walked away glaring at Lee as he left
"Where is she?" I asked
"Where's who," he smirked I punched him in the stomach he stumbled back a bit but Callen kept him still
"Where's Kensi!" I yelled
"You'll never find her in time she'll be dead in an hour and a half," he said I looked at Callen confused but before I tried asking what he meant he was shot in the head
"Sniper!" I yelled ducking behind our car I held my gun in the air but I couldn't find the sniper
"Crap," said Callen.

Callens POV
"You screwed up again Mr Callen you had him and you lost him,"
"It wasn't his fault Hetty," said Sam backing me up
"You're right it was all of your fault, now thanks to you we're no closer to finding Kensi then we were before we know only one thing and that's that she'll be dead in an hour. FIND HER!" she yelled all of a sudden Nell came out of Ops
"Hetty... we just received an email you might want to check it out," Hetty glared at us and then walked into Ops we followed closely behind.
"We recieved this email 2minutes ago," said Nell projecting it up on the screen

"We were doing a little background digging on you Mr Marty Deeks and found out that you're quite the fan of surfing and I must say you're favourite beach really is a spectacular view, great for a person to see just before they die. Anyway bye for now." Callen read
"She's at the beach," said Deeks running out the room we followed him and drove to the beach.

Chapter 4
Deeks POV
I ran out of my car and onto the beach the sun was setting and we were running out of time Kensi had only 5minutes left an idea struck me I looked at my watch and sure enough in 5minutes If would be 6pm a.k.a high tide I ran towards the pier and saw Kensi tied to one of the posts yhe water was up to her neck I had 2minutes I swam out to her and tried to untie her ropes but I couldn't "Deeks!" Sam yelled I looked at him he chucked his pocket knife at me I caught it and started cutting the ropes the water was up to her eyes now I was running out of time I let in a huge gasp of air and cut the last rope around her leg I grabbed her and swam to shore "Deeks," she whispered
"Yes," I replied
"I love you too," she said kissing me passionately on the lips.

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