Finding Sweetie and Sunset

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Twilight pov

Lets go find Sweetie belle first'

Others: ok!

Rarity: Sweetie Belle!'

Scootaloo: SWEETS

*cough, cough, choke'

Sweetie Belle: im tied to this tree!

Scootaloo: Sweetie, are you ok? Are you hurt? What did person in shadows do to you?

Sweetie: just tied me to this tree!
trixie: now sunny!
Rainbow dash: Sunset! Where are you?
Trixie: SUNNY!
'Where are you sunset?'
Sunset: never again!
Trixie: Sunny!
Sunset: trix!
They hug
'Alright, we found two of them, now left are applebloom, fluttershy, pinkie and applejack.'
Sunset: yes, we get searching for them right away, after we've had a little break alright?
Everypony nodded.
Sunset: good.
On a tree in the shadows
A earth pony, pegasus and a unicorn sat on the tree
'For celestia's sake blueflare, what on earth are you doing?' The earth pony asked the pegasus
The pegasus replied ' well rosie, im keeping an eye on them so they don't do any funny business.'
The earth pony sighed ' oh btw blueflare, the names rosesparkle, but just cos i like you, you can call me rosie you can as well starshine'
'Blueflare you have a rest, i'll keep an eye on them for a while' the unicorn said to the pegasus.
The pegasus nodded and went to sit next to the earthpony.
A/n ok i lied, there is three. Anyway thats it for today, theres only 3 chapters left, will update tomorrow asap when i come from school, see ya then. Bye!

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