Finding Pinkie And Applebloom

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Twilight pov
'So we had just found sweetie belle and sunset, whose next?'
Rainbow dash: PINKIE.
Pip: applebloom!
'Alright, lets start'
Pip: applebloom! Where are you?
Applebloom: EEK!
'Applebloom, is that you?'
Applebloom: twillght? Help!
'We're coming applebloom! Hold on!'
Applebloom: its hard where your hanging from a tree!
Pip: applebloom! Just stay still and don't move a muscle!
Applebloom: o-ok!
* once they found applebloom*
'Oh my celestia, Applebloom!'
Applebloom: hey! Can somepony get me down?
Sunset: sure, who knows how to climb a tree?
Pip: i do!
Trixie: well climb up there and help her down then!
'We'll use a spell which helps you land safely'
*he climbs up the tree*
Appplebloom: pip!
Pip: just wait a moment!
Pip holds out his hoof
Pip: applebloom grab my hoof!
Applebloom: o-ok..
*she grabs pip's hoof*
*sunset uses a spell which helps pip and applebloom land safely*
Applebloom hugs pip, which both of them blush to*
'Hey wheres rainbow dash?'
Rainbow dash: hey guys sorry, i went to find pinkie by myself.
'Ok, did you find her?'
Pinkie: Hi!
Sunset: i take that as a yes.
'Where was she?'
Pinkie: right at the top of a tree. I saw a unicorn, a pegasus and a earth pony cloaked who tied me to the top of the tree, with the unicorns magic, the darned rope cut into my hoof, which equals the dried blood. *she holds out her hoof which is covered in dried blood and rope burn*  

'They are have almost found everypony, its time we set our second part of the plan in action, don't you think rosie?' The unicorn asked the earth pony.
'Yes, it is time, when they find the last two, we put phase two in action, understand?' the earth pony said to the pegasus and the unicorn looking away
'Yes rosie babe' the pegasus said to the earth pony
The earth pony whipped around and growled 'Do not call me BABE got it?' She said with her once clear crystal blue eyes, which were now blood red filled with rage.
The unicorn shifted nervously under the earth pony gaze.
The pegasus eyes went wide 'yes rosie'
'Good' the earth pony said while her eyes turned back to normal
The three ponies laughed sinisterly
' Time to keep an extra eye on those ponies' the three ponies said together.

A/n hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter, only two more left, which i might finish today, and post later on so i might finish this book today. Whats phase two of the plan? Find out in the next chapters, why do these three ponies want to do this? Find out! Bye!

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