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Twilight pov
All i could see was a bright flash of light.
'STARSHINE NOW!' I heard one of the ponies shout
'Here you go!' Said a pony
'Time for part two!'
Part two?
Starshine throws a knife into pinkies chest, throws another into her neck.
The flash subsides.
The three cloaked ponies seemed to vanish.
Rainbow dash: pinkie! NO!
'Huh?' I walked over to where dash was what i saw was depressing to say the least pinkie was lying on the ground with a knife in both her stomach and neck, with a blood pool forming. Dash looked broke.
Scootaloo: NO SWEETIE!
Huh? I walked over to scootaloo and rarity, and saw a sickening sight, sweetie belle, eyes were closed, her head was twisted to the side, with blood pouring out of her chest.
Scootaloo: i love you sweetie...
Sweetie: scoots... I love you too, promise me on thing don't forget me...
Scootaloo: i won't! I never will!
Sweetie: good...*her eyes closed*
The pegasus cloaked pony appeared in front of me.
'Aw how sad, poor pinkie and sweetie, NOT!' The pegasus said laughing.
'Why are you doing this?'
The unicorn appeared
'We like to see you suffer!' The unicorn said laughing
'Plus, its revenge, and you entered our territory' the pegasus said back.
Rarity: fluttershy?
We turned to where fluttershy was standing and then we saw the earth pony strangle her.
Trixie: Sunny!
We turned to where sunset and trixie were then we saw sunset be thrown into a tree by the unicorn which then the earth pony stabbed her in the chest, just missing the heart, then the pegasus grabbed sunset and flew up in the sky and dropped her, which the unicorn used a spell to make her go too fast so we couldn't help her.
'Death is a depressing thing, am i right?' The earth pony said laughing sinisterly
The earth pony grabbed her knife and slit applebloom's throat which poured out blood as applebloom fell limp.
We stood there horrified.
Dash: p-pinks... I l-love you...
Pinkie: i love you too *cough* never stop smilin- *her eyes closed*
Rarity: flutters..
Fluttershy: i l-love you rarity...*her eyes closed*
Rarity: i love you too!
Pip: applebloom....
Applebloom: pip, remember me... I love you...
Pip: i love you too applebloom!
Trixie: sunny...why?
Sunset: trix, stay happy, you will always be my best friend that i love...
Trixie: i w-will, i love you too sunny...
A bright flash appeared again when it subsided all the bodies disappeared. And there stood the pegasus and the unicorn. The earth pony was nowhere to be found.
Dash was sitting down and crying
Scootaloo: twilight, applejack? Why do the best ponies die?
Applejack: when you're in a garden what flowers do you pick?
Pip: the most beautiful ones?
Scootaloo walked to her tent and sat in front of if and cried.
Pip: must keep strong.. I can't! * he started to tear up*
Rarity: flutters...sweetie belle...
Trixie: S-sunny is really gone...
The pegasus looked at the unicorn 'they don't know what we have really done do they?'
'No' the unicorn replied
They disappeared
'We need to defeat and find out who those three ponies are and why they did what they did'
Everypony nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile in a house on the hills
'Time for phase 3' the earth pony said to the pegasus and the unicorn
Who were no longer cloaked, so you could officially see them.
'Yes of course' the white unicorn with a purple and pink mane and tail into a plat with a couple of stars as her cutie mark with amber eyes
'Yup Rosie' the blue male pegasus with a vinyl scratch yellow and blue styled mane with two lighting bolts with purple eyes
'Now we put it in action' the pink female earth pony with season 1 pink luna styled mane with turquoise eyes with a game controller cutie mark.
To be continued...
Alright last chapter of this book, hope you enjoyed missing, did this chapter give you feels?
Yes, i have a sequel in progress. Yes, yoshifan123 is helping me with the story line. Their might be a plot twist coming up soon ;) me and yoshifan123 might or might not be planning a trequel as well.. 😏 ;D ;3
Any i will have a bonus chapter where me and yoshifan123 will be explaing the original plotline and other questions as well.. See ya then which will be tomorrow asap when we both finish our own schools. Good night m8ts X3       

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