Chapter Two

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the Cannibal and Vegetarian

I sighed as I slammed my locker shut. My stomach certainly hasn't been cooperative with me since last night. I feel like I haven't eaten in years, when in reality it was only a short hour ago I scarved down a bag of crisps, only to vomit them up in first period.

I walked down the hallway to my second period, Calculus B. As I sat down, I heard the silent cries of Rosalie's twin-ish brother, Ashton. I heard that her father got two women pregnant at the same time, but I'll choose not to investigate further. As class started, my stomach howled in pain and hunger. I slammed a fist onto it, worsening the pain, but stopping the noise. My friend, Luke, tapped my shoulder, "Hey, you okay, mate?" He asked. I nodded, and gave him a fake smile. He smiled back and returned to his work. I felt something rise in my throat, and I immediately recognized the texture. Vomit.

I cleared my throat, and raised my hand, keeping my head low. "Ugh..." I quietly groaned. "Something wrong, Mr. Clifford?" Ms. Bett asked me. I nodded, "Can I please use the restroom...?" I asked. "You do look pretty pale. Mr. Hemmings, please help him to the restroom." She said, with just a bit of worry in her tone. I stood with Luke, and he put my arm on his shoulder.

We walked out of the room and two doors down, and I immediately rushed into a stall. I vomited up her small intestine and heart, along with a few crisps from earlier. Luke went pale, and stared at me with wide eyes. "M-Michael-" "Please don't tell..." I cried softly. "Who is that... that you ate...?" He stammered. I cried harder into my hands, "Don't tell Ashton..." I cried out. He covered his mouth as he gasped, "R-Rosalie..." He whispered. I stood, still crying, and I gripped Luke's shoulders. The wicked smile returned. "No! No no no, please don't hurt him!" I screamed. Whoever he was, he certainly didn't like me. He squeezed tighter onto Luke's shoulders. Luke screamed in agony, and quickly gasped for air. He snapped Luke's figure backwards, and I heard what sounded like a bundle of twigs snapping. "I figured you'd want to see how spine tasted." He hissed, his words laced with venom. "No! I refuse to eat him! He's my best friend! And he's-" "It doesn't matter if he's human! You're a monster, now!" He snapped at me. "Get out of my head!"

I screamed as I woke in my desk.


I held my head in my hands as I listened in on my mother's conversation with the principal and school therapist.

"Mrs. Clifford, we highly suggest that you get your son some therapy and a brain scan. From the students' as well as the teacher's description of the incident, they claimed that he was shaking violently with a terrible nose bleed. That's a symptom of epilepsy as well as high anxiety."

"I don't understand... where is this all coming from...?"

"That, ma'am, you'll have to ask your son."

Mum sighed, "Yes. I understand. My sincerest apologies for this incident."

The three adults stepped out of the room, and my mum gave me a look that reads,

"Who are you, and what have you done with my son?"

I stood solemnly, ignoring the words of the principal and therapist. "Michael, are you even listening?" Mum asked angrily. "I-I'm sorry..." I whispered. She rolled her eyes, "You're going to the doctor's office tomorrow to get a scan of your brain to check for epilepsy. Then right afterwards, you'll be kept in Marion-" "Marion?! Mum no! That place is for the mentally unstable! I'm perfectly f-fine!" I screamed. "I'm so sorry, baby." She gave me a kiss on the forehead, seeing the therapist with a large needle as I fell onto the cold hard floor, plunging into the darkness.

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