Chapter 4 - Is it Love?

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"Heya, how's it goin' Wendy?" I asked cheerfully. "It's going great!" She said with a wide grin. "Oh yeah, did something happen?" I asked, curiosity getting me, "Oh nothing it's just that.... Romeoaskedmeoutonadateandidon'tknowwhattodo!!" She said faster then light, then wheezed after.

"Uhhh" I tried figuring out what she just said and nothing turned out like i wanted it to.

"Romeo, asked me, out on a date!" Wens-chan exclaimed again.

" OH MY GASH!" I exploded letting the fan-girling side of me take over.

"What did you say?" " I hope you said yes!" "We need to go shopin'!" I squealed walking back and forth not letting her say a single letter.

Then I grabbed her hand and yanked it out of the guild. Suddenly I started darting towards the shopping center.

"B-but, I'm worried, what if I can't handle it and start blanking out!" She blurted while trying to catch up to my speed, I felt her heart go faster then it should.

"Your going to be fine hun', just breath in and out, and never forget to be yourself!" I said with my signature goofy smile.

"Your such a big help, I'm glad your the 1st person I came across," Wendy-san smiled and hugged me tight.

We stopped in front of the mall then walked in.

~Time skip to the clothes outlet~

Wendy's POV

I wonder what dress I will look good in. "Oo, Wendy come here," I heard (Y/N) whisper/shouted,"Take a glance at this, it's THE best lookin' dress I have ever seen , you have to try it on!" My nakama exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll be right out!" I grabbed the dress and put it on. I doubt anyone would fall for me in a dress like this.

"Wendy hurry, we still need to shop for some makeup and jewelry," (Y/n) said impatiently.

"I'm sorry I took long, the straps were conf-," (Y/n) stared at me from head to toe, then she walked over and tied my hair into a bun.

"There, your all *sniff * ready and grown up!" (Y/n)- Chan started to tear up. "Thank you for helping me pick out a dress, I'm glad you came because otherwise I would still be here all zoned out and wondering around," I started to giggle then my best friend smiled and grabbed my hand to continue shopping.

*After ze shopping spree!*

(Y/n)'s POV

"Wow I can't believe it, your going on your 1st date, and with a guy I barely know," I said for the 100th time. "Right, I'm kinda nervous, but most of me says it's going to be alright," Wendy-san calmly said.

I'm kind of jealous because she has gotten a guy and I'm just laying around waiting. "(Y/n)-ne are you alright, you look annoyed, oh wait, has Natsu ask you out yet," the blunette was waiting for a response. "Well, um, not exactly... no, no he hasn't, and I have a feeling he never will..." I said suddenly feeling a little lonely. "Don't worry (Y/n), Natsu is dense, but he knows when to cheer up a friend when in need, I bet... sooner or later you guys'll get married someday!" Wendy clapped her hands with a wide smile, "Wh-wait, that's all to soon!"

We started to laugh at our goofiness then packed up the dress and stuff and went home. I really can't wait to see Wens-chan all prepped up.

~*After getting ready~*

Wendy's POV

"Ok, I'm ready," I said ever so nervously and walked out of (Y/n)'s room, " how do I look, I hope I'm not to prepped up, I don't wanna look like all weird barbie doll."

"You look fantastic," (Y/n)-Sama emotionally hugged me and put my hair up, "Romeo isn't going to know what hit him when he sees you!"

I slightly blush, then settle down on the couch talking to my nakima while watching a reality TV show.

I heard the door bell ring that's when I froze. (Y/n)-nee noticed and opened the door for me. My date walked in stunningly cute with his little red and yellow flannel and jeans.

"H-hi Romeo," I starred fidgeting with my thumbs, " you look g-good!"

"This is to adorable!" (Y/n) starred having various ideas of Romeo and I'm wedding.

We both were dumbfounded and just started walking out the the room, leaving my friend alone talking to herself.

"Your best buddy sure acts like a mom to me," the brown haired boy chuckled, "I'm glad you have a friend like that, making sure your safe."

"Hehehe, yeah, I don't think that's the word," I giggled, "maybe a little to giddy, I swear everytime I mention your name she wonders off to WenMeo land!"

We both broke into laughter and headed to the park with the Sakura tree.

I hope this ends up well, I thought while talking to Romeo and darting for the ice cream machine.

(Y/n)'s POV

There she goes, I sighed.

I walked to the guild hall only to be greeted by a certain pink-haired idiot smashing into me.

We both landed on the floor in an awkward position that Team Natsu saw and started to giggle.

"N-Natsu- WHAT THE FLIPPIN FUDGE GET OFF MEH," I shoved the pinkette off me, "what's going on who made this happen?"

My eyes were full of rage, Lucy and Erz started holding in their laughter while they saw Grey trying to not get involve.

"Your going to get it now Grey," I ran towards him and punched his back down to the ground.

"Aahh, what did I do..." the ice-maker mage acted inocent, "it was that pyro's fault for making me ticked off!"

"I don't give a damn, you were the one who sent him flying into me!" I spat back.

Erza's POV

"He's definitely going to get it," Lucy whispered to me giggling silently.

" I know for a fact he won't stand a chance," I whispered back while putting a strawberry in my mouth.

Where'd I get this cake, I have no idea, but it sure is awesome!

While (Y/n) and Grey started brawling I had no choice but to to stop it, or else the guild hall will be no more.

"OK that's enough you two!" I walked up to (Y/n) and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Erz look out," Lucy shouted making me look at her and not notice a fist flying towards my face.

"Never interrupt a fight," (Y/n) finger wagged me.

*death glare mode*

(Y/n)'s POV

"Do you seriously want to fight me (Y/n)?" Erza said ever so angry.

"Would ya not interrupt me anymore if I did?" I spit back.

"Maybe I wouldn't, let's take this outside!" The red-head stormed outside with me following her.

I got ready and went in fighting stance. I'm not going to hold back knowing she is a tough fairy.

"I'm not holding, you know that right," titania smirked.

"You took the words right out my mouth!" I cracked every joint and bone in my body.

◇Fight Begins in next chapter. Hope you can forgive me leaving you guys in the dust. I'm making a new book called FairyTail wonderland and I'm excited to see all of you guys commenting on it. I thought a lot about that book. Anyways see you next chapter, Kabo ;)
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