⋉ twenty three ⋊

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a/n: sigh what is this fic (this chapter is kinda smutty)

"Are you actually considering it?"

The two of us were getting our lunch. Luke had just told me about Jaden's response to the whole situation, causing me to question him. Jaden had a pensive look on his face, which surprised me. I thought he had just said that to make Luke feel better, but I guess he was telling the truth.

"Yeah." Jaden shrugged. "I mean... We've got history. I know him, and he's hot."

"Jaden... Do you actually like him? In a romantic way?"

Jaden sighed, paying for his lunch and following me to our usual table. "I don't know. I feel like I could, ya know? And hey. Luke Hemmings likes me. I'd be dumb to pass up this sort of opportunity."


He sighed again, pausing in his steps as I did the same. "I know. It's not fair on Luke for me to do this to him. I guess... I'm just gonna wait it out a bit longer, weigh my options. Besides, aren't you two still together?"

"It's just for show, you know that," I pointed out as we resumed walking.

"Still trying to get Jake's attention?"

"Hopefully," I sighed, but that was the end of our conversation. We had reached our table, and I took my usual seat between Jaden and Luke. Luke and Ashton eating with us had become a regular thing, even though Jake was clearly uneasy about it. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Hey." Luke smiled, kissing my cheek. It felt weird now, knowing that Jaden was actually considering dating Luke, to continue acting the way we were. "By the way, I forgot to mention. We're having a party on Saturday. You'll come, yeah?"

I nodded. "Yeah, of course!"

"You guys can come, too!" Luke extended the offer to the other three guys at our table (obviously not to Ashton, since, duh. They're in the same frat.)

"Yeah, I'm down," Jaden answered through a mouthful of food, and I rolled my eyes.

"Classy, Jaden," I pointed out, and he just flipped me off.

"Yeah, Mikey and I might come." Jake shrugged, acting nonchalant. "I mean, we don't have plans, do we?"

Mikey shook his head. "Not as of right now. We might- Hm, no, no plans."

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at them. They were practically a married couple, and I was both envious and amused by their friendship.

We kept eating, making small talk here and there. Luke fed me a cookie and Ashton pretended to gag, eliciting laughter from the other people at our table. I just flipped him off in response.


Well, here I was, at another party.

For the most part, Luke had stuck around me, but now he was nowhere to be seen. Funnily enough, Jaden was nowhere to be seen, either.

I was just standing against a wall and sipping at my third bottle of beer, watching the party happen in front of me, when someone grabbed me by the arm.

"What th-" I didn't have time to question it before the dude yelled, "And him!" while pointing at me with his hand that wasn't gripping my arm.

He jerked me forward, shoving me into a room before I could even protest. Another person was shoved in as well, and upon closer inspection, I saw that it was Jake. Okay, just lovely.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked him, gesturing with my bottle towards the door. It would appear to me that we were in a storage closet. Oh, great. I thought I had come out of the closet, but here I was, back inside one.

"7 Minutes in Heaven, apparently." Jake shrugged, kicking a crate out from a corner.

I rolled my eyes. "Please. What is this, high school?"

Jake shrugged again, his lips quirking up slightly in a smile. "Apparently everyone at this party is going through some sort of midlife crisis."

I hummed in response, moving so that I was standing in front of him. Now could be my chance. Hell, if Luke was off with Jaden, why couldn't I try to make a move on Jake?

"Maybe we should make the most of it," I suggested, bringing the bottle of beer back to my lips and taking a swig. My eyes were fixed on his, trying to gauge his reaction.

He frowned, taking a step back. "Cal..." His tone was accusatory, and rightfully so.

I sighed, before putting the bottle down on the floor and taking a step towards him. "Things aren't what they seem between Luke and I."

He frowned, crossing his arms when I stepped closer. He didn't say anything when I wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him into me. Our noses were almost touching when I whispered, "All I want is you."

He hesitated, and I was about to pull away, to admit defeat when his hand found its way into my hair. Pulling my face towards his, he wasted no time kissing me, his body pressing up against mine in all the right ways.

Before it could go any further, however, I pulled my face away, leaving our bodies moulded against each other's. "Don't just do this to spite Luke. Please."

His eyes widened a little at my request, before dropping to my lips. "I- I wouldn't."


His eyes flitted back up to mine, and he nodded, pulling my lips back to his and beginning to grind his hips against me. I was a little surprised at how eager he was, obviously, but I couldn't help but enjoy it.

I backed the two of us up against the door, making sure it was locked. Pulling away from his lips, I began trailing kisses and hickeys down his neck, causing him to groan. I felt his hands make their way up the front of my shirt, and I pulled back just enough so that he could pull it over my head. I did the same with his shirt, leaning down and beginning to leave kisses along his collarbones and chest. My kisses kept getting lower and lower, while his moans kept getting higher and higher.

Finally, I dropped to my knees, looking up at him as I sucked a hickey onto his hip. His head fell back, chest heaving, and I smirked as I began to unzip his pants. I pulled them down with his boxers, really not wanting to waste any time. He might've said he wasn't doing this to spite his brother, but I didn't know if this would end up becoming a regular thing, so I knew I had to make the most of it.

Taking his dick in one hand, I began pumping slowly, watching his reaction. He was groaning, one hand gripping my hair while the other one was flat against the door, beside him.

Slowly, I began running my tongue along the tip of his dick, eyes unwavering. His grip in my hair tightened and I groaned, taking more of him into my mouth.

Soon enough, I had taken all that I could, and I began moving my mouth along his length, enjoying the way he was squirming under my touch. I kept bobbing my head, swirling my tongue, knowing exactly what to do to make him fall apart.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned, his hips bucking up slightly. "I'm close."

I pulled away, smirking, and continued to pump him with my hand as my tongue ran over his tip again. A few more pumps, and I took him back into my mouth right before he came.

His back arching and his hands pulling at my hair, he was nothing but a mess of curses and my name, and I was (obviously) revelling in it.

When he was spent, I pulled away, wiping at my mouth discreetly, and stood up. His eyes were hooded, but he wasted no time pulling me back against him, his hand finding its way down the front of my pants easily.

a/n: this fic will most likely be finished by next week. I'm trying to get everything done this week and next week (literally everything, both irl and in fanfic), or at least leave everything at a good stopping point, because after that, school is gonna take over my life, so I won't have as much time for myself :( I'll try to make a little time, though!

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