The Wack

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Hi my name is Zack today is my birthday and also the first day of school. I live in a small community were even though it's small no one knows each other, except for me and my best friends since kindergardan, me, Joe and Mavis. We are what we call the trio, as in three people in a group. We all live right across the street from each other so it is easy to meet up. Every morning at 4:45 we meet up to walk to school and talk about the new game coming out.           "The legacy". We are not the athletic group or the smart group or even the singing group we are, "the gaming group", and we are proud. Getting back on track we are walking to school and it is my birthday, so Joe decides to sing the birthday song in front of the worst place ever, right in front of the music store.  Joe  apparently made up a birthday song with the band members, and Mavis knew about it and told him not to when they were rehearsing. So before he could even say the first word of the song she grips her palms with here fingers and pulls her arm back as far as possible and "WACK" Joe was down for the count.  I was super scared because she is super sensitive so when you say the smallest thing like "well that was just a little bit to harsh right" she will do the same to you that she did to the other guy. So as I can see she gets back into regular position and looks at me with devil eyes. It looked like she was starring in to the endless void but after a few seconds she realized what she had done. First she looked at Joe and then at me who was scared out of my mind and then thought of herself as awesome. Because she likes fighting games so she likes to fight like pro wreseling or street fighting. But after all of that, Joe regaines consciousness and was mad the whole time we were walking, but when we got there he forgave her. After school and got home we said bye and all headed into our houses. When I got inside it was completely pitch black so I turned on a light and everyone jump up and scared me enough to make me call mavis and tell her to bring her bow staff. So being that scared I ran outside a split second after I was reaching for my phone my mom yelled happy birthday from inside the house I put my phone back in my poket I was so embarassed and go back into the house  but to late they all were already laughing at me. So after about ten whole minutes of laughing they stoped and started the presents.

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