Ryan Jinx

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A girl about the same age as me was starring at me and apologizing. She then gave me a weird look and told me that dinner is down the hall to the left third door. She then rushed out the door and ran down the hall. I didn't think to tell her that I couldn't stand and my throat was all messed up from the sand meaning I couldn't yell or walk. So again I began my painful crawl down the hall. When I arrived in the dinning room I saw her siting at the table and waiting till I sat down. After I got in the chair she started to eat and again she was looking at me weird. With my quiet messed up throat I asked her who she was and why she gave me that look. She than quickly cut me off and asked me who I was. I said my name was Zack she then told me that I needed to change my name. I was shocked that she brought such a stupid suggestion up so quickly. Then I stopped and asked her why she said I should do that and she said. My name is diamond and we are running from the (Aku no dōmei). evil alliance? I replied in a questioning way. What do you mean (Aku no dōmei) and what do you mean we are running away? Well me and you are the only people who have come here to this world.

So this really is another world, I thought to myself slightly not beliving it. She said "the evil alliance is a group of monsters who will stop at nothing to find me and you." "But why are we the target?" I said. She replied I don't know I just got here a week ago. "But getting back to what I told you before you need to change your name" she said. If you don't change your name they could find you. I didn't trust her completely but I guess I had to. "So what should my name be" I said. "Hm well maybe... no how about... oh I know how about Ryan jinx" she said. "Well I guess I really don't have a choice". And it has a nice ring to it. So with my quiet voice I spoke up and said "From know on my name is Ryan Jinx".

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