Where am i

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We.....wer......we're am I. I tried to look to my left but everything was blurry I tried looking to my right but still nothing just blurr. After about ten minute it was already getting dark. After I realized my vision came to a steady and I saw this human figure it didn't notice me so I called out to it. "Hey over here" I called out with all my lungs then he slowly started walking toward me. I had to get up so I got in a kneel position..... and then I saw it my leg was a giant 3d rectangle. I sprung up out of a kneeling position and looked at my hand it was a block I was so scared. But nothing could pass the rate of fear that I had when the person that I called over earlier was super green and bloody. I had no idea what was going on so I booked it I ran for nearly the whole night and was extremely tired but then I saw it.

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