The village

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There it was as bright as........ well ok it wasn't really bright but it was the brightest thing in sight. Yep you guessed it a village. I ran over a quick as I could but running over a patch of sand I stopped not being able to move. I had been stuck in quick sand I yelled for help as loud as I could but that only attracted more well...... MONSTERS! So I stayed quiet to keep safe trying to devise a plan to get out of the sand but it was to late my head had already gone under the sand. I was running out of breath and started to suffocate. But then I could feel my foot pop out into an open space. After having hope I kept my own and held my breath while i was moving my arms up as high as they could pushing up against the sand. And then I fell through not to far down but still I was out of breath in fact I was even about to pass out. But before I did I saw a humanly figure come in front of me I didn't know who it was but I couldn't ask because I passed out. When I came to I was in a long room with wooden walls chiseled stone floor and a stone roof. I sat up from the bed I was in and took of my covets to see my whole body was bandaged. From my head to my toe I was injured everything hurt but I knew I couldn't stay there so I got up and try'ed for the door but I couldn't walk so I started to crawl. When I got to the door I reached for the door nob just to get smacked in the face with the door and pushed up against the wall. I made a not to loud noise saying ow when the girl realized that he had hot me with the door she looked at me with a big smile and appologized.

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