Sorry it taken me so long to update. Sometimes I get bad writers block. Love you guys ♡
This chapter is slow but believe me the good stuff is coming :)*Andy*
I woke up after a few hours of sleep and got up looking to see Zea. But she was gone along with the kids. Panic went through me but then it dawned on me it was Monday. She had taken Jaylen to school and obviously took Darius with her. I yawned, made a cup of coffee and checked my phone just a few texts and missed calls from my manager telling me about the show we had tonight. I had totally forgot but as I sipped my coffee I pondered how I was going to talk to Zea. I wanted her to know I loved her but I thought she was making the wrong choice. And right on cue Zea came walking through the door holding Darius's car seat. She set him down and walked past me into the kitchen grabbing a bottle from the fridge. She didn't say a word to me nor did she even look at me. I watched her go straight to the sink her long brown hair brushing her back as she moved to warm up the bottle. I took a deep breath,
"Are we going to talk?" I asked.
She turned off the water but still didn't look at me.
"We did talk, you made it clear how you feel nothing more to be said" she told me as she picked up Darius and fed him.
I walked over to her and she didn't even look up. She kept looking at Darius I bent so I was at eye level since she was sitting down.
"Zea baby please talk to me. I'm sorry about what I said I didn't mean it."
She finally looked at me.
"You still said it and you knew it would hurt me Andy. I can't believe you'd say something like that to me" she put the bottle on the table and patted Darius on the back until he burped.
She set him down in his bouncer and gave him a little rattle that he shook.
"Im sorry baby really I am. Look i don't think its a good idea. For all you know Juliet is working with Byran again. That is risky, but....I don't know I just don't like it. But I'm sorry I snapped at you, I'm just so scared I don't want to come that close to losing you again it tore me up inside" I explained my voice cracking.
Zea came up to me and hugged me I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me.
"Andy trusting her scares me too. But listen I'm not going to trust her right out of the blue Im easing her into things believe. I'm not going to be careless. I believe she's changed I know you don't approve but please trust me on this."
She put her hand on my face and kissed me.
"Good luck telling Lacey" I said.
Zea sighed.
I was watching Tv eating a bag of chips while Kota took his nap and Ashley went to go chill with CC. I tried calling Zea but she didn't answer. I flipped through channels and sighed bored. I turned on the xbox and actually started to play one of the games I had bought for myself. I was enjoying myself when the doorbell rang. I waited hoping it didn't wake up Kota and when I didn't hear him cry I got up. I opened the door and when I seen who was standing there I started to close it but her hand stopped me.
"Lacey please stop" Juliet's voice begged.
I rolled my eyes and leaned against my door frame crossing my arms over my chest.
"Were my two right hooks too sutle for you. That meant stay sway from me and Zea and her family" I told her.
Juliet ran a hand through her now short hair.
"Look Lacey I know I fucked up-"
"Damn right you fucked up. You almost killed Zea and I" I told her spitting the words like venom.
Juliet sighed.
"Can I come in? We can talk"
I shook my head
"No, not with my son inside. Not now not ever. You screwed up big time. I hope you don't plan on getting forgiveness from anyone" I told her.
Juliet bounced on her heels and bit her lip.
"It seems Zea is on the road to forgiving me."
What? No way! She wouldn't do that. I looked at Juliet and looked for a sign of lying and it bugged me that I didn't see one.
"Goodbye Juliet."
I closed the door and called Zea.

World Of Sacrifice
FanficIt's years later and everything between Andy and Zea have been good. But then Andy finds out that Juliet and Byran get out now prison. Who will go the furthest to protect the family?