Little Big Friend

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As we know, Megi didn't get into the good American nursery, which was quite a dissapointment to Mrs Deeson as she was looking forward to not having Megi so much. She doesn't really mind Emmy being around, as she doesn't make a fuss and can take care of herself. Plus, she barely sees her around the house anyway, so that makes no difference.

Anyways, Megi got into the local nursery when she was four, which wasn't too bad as they do live in quite a nice area. Quite a posh area. Megi wasn't too keen on the idea of going away, as she likes her comfort zone, which involves curling up in the dog house with an annoyed Choco, as even the family pet doesn't like her, which certainly says something.

So, on the first day of school, this happened......

"Don't wanna go, don't wanna go!" like any other kid, Megi has learnt how to throw a wailing tantraum. Unfortunately, it was Mrs Deeson who was dragging her to school today. Like she learnt at her old karate class - no mercy. If it was Mr Deeson, she might have been allowed to stay at home watching Sponge Bob, or Little Mermaid.

From the moment she was born, Mrs Deeson had stayed silent as a hawk to Megi. And she wasn't about to break that rule that she quietly made to herself. She dragged Megi down the stairs by her arms and pushed her into the car.

'Vrooom..." You might be glad to hear that Mr and Mrs Deeson decided to ditch their old Victorian style car and get a new one, unfortunately, not a very good new one, but better all the same. It was a old, old, old Vauxhall Corsa, not Victorian, but still old.

Well, at least it starts, which isn't possibly the best thing for Megi right then. She moaned and cried and threw ten tantrums, but Mrs Deeson still took no notice. But decided that at the nursery, she would have a few words with the overlooker. Mrs Deeson wasn't a bad woman or a bad mother, it's just that she believed in a different way of bringing up children, a firm hand is a good hand, her mother always said. So, to fulfill her childhood wish of having a good and fun and kind and gentle mother, she's was good and fun and kind and gentle to Emmy, but when she didn't turn out well, Mrs Deeson decided to try the other method - on Megi.

Later, when they arrived at the nursery, one in a hurry, and one reluctantly, the overlooker came out to greet them. Now, she was the type of woman that Megi would want as a mum instead, good and fun and kind and gentle, like the kind that Mrs Deeson used to be. But not any more.

So Mrs Deeson and Mrs Overlook (the Overlooker, quite a coincidence, maybe she decided to be a overlooker because of her name?) had their little word, and off she went, leaving, no, not a sad Megi, a fascinated Megi, she found a little new friend. Well, a quite a little big friend.

Truthfully, she was more of a protector, as she was such a meek and shy little girl that she so needed one. And Lahja was there to provide it. On her first day, Megi was so gobsmacked that her mum had left her there alone that she just stood there, on the doorstep and didn't move until this strong, bully looking like girl came along and helped her way through nursery. Yes, Lahja had good intentions, but I think she just liked playing happy families with her as the mother.

Unsurprisingly, Megi didn't learnt a thing or had any other friends apart from Lahja, if you can call her a friend. She was a good person, trying to do good deeds, but maybe witht he wrong method. All through this year, Megi played along with happy families with Lahja, they were the two baddie girls, with Lahja always looking after Megi, they had a reputation already and they barely started nursery. Wonder how they are going to get through the hardship of secondary school, where the real bullies are.

A year passed, Lahja got into so much trouble that she was removed - excluded, you can say - but it was only nursery school. Poor Megi didn't suspect a thing, she waited day after day, making potatoe prints and playing with play dough all by herself, when she finally realized that Lahja wasn't coming home.

For a nursery school loner, Megi was very effective in solving this no friends, well, for the brain of a very dumb 3 year old anyway.

"NO, SHE CANNOT HAVE HER WAY!" boomed, well you know who, it wasn't Mr Deeson, anyhow.

Megi, the previous, ooh, second, has asked to be home educated as well, a loner at nursery school is often worse than loner at home, which is why Megi has asked to stay at home, instead of making more friends, as making friends are not her specialty, only really nice and protective and mother like people would make friends, who would then later to hand her to other people, therefore helping her to expand her social circle.

"Oh, but she is having such a bad time," said Mr Deeson, using his trick - the puppy eyes. That's what got Mrs Deeson to marry him in the first place. Now, Philip Deeson's heart is made of ...... um, hold on.

Ok, just Googled it, I was going to say metal, but I don't think that's strong enough. Diamond. Mrs Deeson has a heart of diamond. By that I don't mean like a good thing, like a good diamond as in valuable gem. I'm not describing her with a heart of diamond as in she is very valuable or strong. I mean that as in strong, as in she won't change her mind, as in.... you know what I mean.

But even diamond has something that would break it. Puppy eyes, in this case. I don't mean like literally, if you did puppy eyes or got your puppy to do puppy eyes in front of your mum's diamond ring it wouldn't shatter, and if coincidentally, it did, your mum won't be happy.

Anyways, the reason I'm explaining so much is that one of my friends, not saying which one (cough* momo cough*) finds this hard to read, maybe it's me. Am I too smart? I think so, or it could just be her. So, are you finding this too confusing and complicated? (*comment on this please, if you want*)

Anyway, the story, Mrs Deeson has the heart of diamond, and only thing that can break it is Mr Deeson's puppy eyes, got it? Good, let's move on. Mr Deeson's puppy eyes did break it, so Megi was allowed to stay home, only not quite home - educated because, give the girl a break, she's three.

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