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I'm going to fast forward through Megi's life a little bit, mainly because I want to get on to The Mega Incident, which you're going to see and read about soon.

OK, Megi's 5 years old, she prepares for Primary School, by staying extra quite and bugging her sister.

She's 6 years old, she goes to Primary School, unsuccessfully. Makes a friend, fall out with friend.

7 years old, she does some mock tests and assesments, her score was one. Makes friend. Fall out with her friend.

8 years old, Year Three, fails the real tests and SATs, moves school. Makes friends, fall out with friends

9 years old, Year Four, fails all major tests and exams, voted dumbest person. Makes friends. Fall out with friends.

10 years old, moves from London, to..... London. Make friends, fall out with friends.

There, as you can see, Megi's life is busily packed, with lots of failed friends and dumbness. OK, let's have a short paragraph about Megi's kiddie life, before we go on to when Megi is 11, the serious upturn in her life. Or shall I say down - turn, because, ya know, it gets kind of worse.

Right, when Megi was 6, she started primary school, Year One, you don't really have to learn much, so she got on okay, well, academically, anyways. I mean, you only have to learn the alphabet, Megi struggled a little bit, but then it's not like you had to have tests or exams on it, so she was alright. As for maths, well, 1+1=2 wasn't exactly hard, but I suppose it is for Megi, but then she copied all the miniature nerds, whom she was friends with, so it wasn't Algerbra or Geometry.

Right, when Megi was 6, she started primary school, Year One, you don't really have to learn much, so she got on okay, well, academically, anyways. I mean, you only have to learn the alphabet, Megi struggled a little bit, but then it's not like you had to have tests or exams on it, so she was alright. As for maths, well, 1+1=2 wasn't exactly hard, but I suppose it is for Megi, but then she copied all the miniature nerds, whom she was friends with, so it wasn't Algerbra or Geometry, unlike Mrs Deeson predicted. As for her friends, well, normally nerds are only friends with nerds, and Megi was kind of a nerd, except the dumb kind. Is there such thing as dumb nerds? The smart nerds don't think so, which is why they fell out, as smart nerds are only friends nerds. Really, it wasn't a wonder that Megi got kicked out of the group, smart people hates dumb people, and people who asks too many questions that are hugely unnecessary, things like: "How do you do this?" when they were studying how to spell C-A-T, and "Why?" in a non - trying way when they were learning why A came before B. So you see, Megi didn't get on like fire and cotton pillows at school.

Now, at Year 3, you do some SATs, they're kind of important. At Year Two, you are supposed to aquired the minimum reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The school that Megi goes to happens to be a very good school. By good, I mean super posh and nerdy. So that every child gets the best education possible, never mind their social life. Megi isn't nerdy, or posh actually, but the school happens to be just next door, so I suppose she has a reason to go to it. They're extra prickly with exams, which is why, every important one such as the SATs, they make the pupils revise and study for it for a whole academic year, and the mountains of homework they have can compete with GCSE level students. So as you can see, it really isn't the ideal school for dumb little Megi. The school did lots of mock tests, and surprise, surprise, Megi failed every single one. She wasn't given extra help, like in the normal schools, because, well, none of the otheres needed any, so waste of time just to help that one single child, really. Mrs Deeson wasn't happy. Mr Deeson was proud that Megi got even a mark out of 40 in the first place. As for Emmy, hey, she doesn't care, it's only a mock test, and it's only her sister.

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