Author's Note

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Hey, guys. This is my author's note to y'all. Actually, my author's note as of Dec 22, 2013, cuz I felt the need to update it a little:


So originaly I had this rated as PG but wattpad switched it to PG13, which is understandable. Let me clarify why - firstly, there will be NO SEX, or sexual scenes, or anything that close to it except, like, clean kissing. I was fourteen when I started this book, so that wasn't on my mind. Plus, I strongly believe that a) sex is for marriage and b) having sex doesn't necesarily show you're in love. There is no need to have characters do that every couple chapters just to convince the reader they love each other. Love is so much more!! Also, I know there are many young readers on here, and even speaking as an older high school student, I don't want to read that stuff and neither do some other people. So, I'm sorry, but if that's the kind of story you wanted, this really isn't it. But please keep reading! Don't let that turn you off. I hope it's going to be a good story and that you'll like it. It's my baby (kinda ironic no? haha) so yeah enjoy.

Sorry, that sounded really harsh. I apologize. I just wanted to make that kinda clear so people aren't like why isn't their romance progressing? Sorry.

Yes, there WILL be romance, I assure you, but just not any... you know. Hey, I'm young and innocent. I don't do that stuff. And don't expect like loaded makeout sessions, because face it, there's hardly a lot of time for that when you're on the run. Besides, they can get boring. And who doesn't like unrequited love? :D

(Edit from 10-8-14) I would also just love to say thank you to all the support I've gotten from various people telling me that they agree with why I'm not putting sex in the book. To be honest, I was pretty scared to type out this author's note because I thought people would be like ugh she's so annoying, but I'm so glad there's people out there who agree with me. A big THANK YOU to all of you! :)

Okay, so it's also rated PG13 because of violence (it IS a spy novel) aka guns, torture, etc etc... and also for language, which I don't think is a problem. I mean, we've all heard it, right? So yeah. And it won't be too bad, either. Actually, as of 8-2-14, I've edited out most of the bad language I used in the original edition of this story. I'm actually slowly editing this but not very dramatically. Yet.

So yeah. That's about it. PLEASE comment if you are confused or have a question. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING!!!!

I just want to say thanks to Kashi23 for the title, and to Protector784 for the title to my sequel! (Yes, i am cocky enough to have a sequel in the making :D) and a big shout out to all my fans and friends who have given me help!


Now, I'll stop blabbing and you can read the book.

Thanks! Please fan/vote/comment!!! It means so much to me! Wow, that sounded cheesy. But it really does. So please enjoy!

Gracias! (Thank you in Spanish) <3 vb123321

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