Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hey…I’m updating! Whoop whoop! Okay, not much to say, except sorry that this chapter isn’t as long as I promised. I asked my bffl was she thought and she said that 2 shorter chapters would be better than 1 megalong one especially since I haven’t written the chapter after it yet and so wouldn’t have updated till much later…anyway. I’ve updated. That’s all that matters.

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Twenty-Eight

♥            Astrid         ♥

            They will never stop looking for me…

            Jay’s words echoed in my head, over and over, until I felt like screaming. How much of his story could I believe? I couldn’t rid myself of the pain in his eyes when he had spoken of his family, but the cool way he had told me of the accusations against him…he’d never exactly denied them…I didn’t know what to think.

            And Charlie’s face when I had screamed at him. He had known, all right – he had known everything. So why hadn’t he told me? How could he betray me like that?

            But which is the bigger betrayal?

            That tiny, consistent voice in my head wouldn’t shut up. Some would call it conscience, others intuition, but I knew it was my heart talking, the person deep inside of me who wasn’t affected by the ruthlessness of the spy world that had swallowed me years and years ago.

            Jay hadn’t told me either; he had just left. It had taken him three years to tell me as much as he had, and even now I felt that he wasn’t telling me the whole truth about everything. Charlie…Maybe he really hadn’t been able to tell me. Maybe he just felt he still had to be the stupid, overprotective, lovable idiot that he was. And maybe I’d never know about either of them.

            Pierre was lying on the cot, his back straight and his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He had barely spoken to me when I returned to the cell, but then again, I hadn’t spoken to him either. So how could I blame him?

Charlie was slumped against the opposite wall as me, his head in his hands and his neck bent so that I couldn’t read his mood. I was in a similar position, hugging my knees and pressing my cheek against them so that I didn’t have to face the others.

            Because I’ve done the undoable…

            But why, Jay? Why?

            Time passed impossibly slowly, and none of us spoke. We couldn’t, it seemed. I suddenly wished that Josh was here, that he could crack one of his ridiculous jokes that weren’t funny in the slightest and yet managed to break even the tautest tension. Josh… maybe he was in the village by now, contacting Delta and getting a team ready to spring us out of here…Maybe we could get Jay as well, make Young somehow understand why he was innocent…but was he innocent?

            My eyes started to close, and I allowed them to, wanting to drown myself in order to block off my wild thoughts. Sleep hazed the corners of my mind, threatening to shut down my system, but I made no move to wake, choosing instead to let go completely, beginning to slip away…

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