Author's Endnote

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Okay, y’all, reading this is mandatory. I realize you all hate author’s notes, but this one is SUPER important because it contains lots of important stuff. So please bear with me for about a page, okay?

So this is it, then. Delta’s over. Astrid’s in depression, Josh is off to save Pierre’s ass, who knows about Jay, Charlie’s dead, you all hate me…yeah. Enough with the melodramatics. The next book – keep watch! – will be called “Omega” and I hope to get it up soon. However, first I want to rewrite the first and maybe second chapters because I read back and they suck. I honestly don’t know why you guys kept reading, they’re that bad. I’m also going to rewrite ALL of Pierre’s POVs because he will not be having them in “Omega” and I’ve decided that we just don’t need them. So I’ll probably write them into Josh’s, depending on the scene. Pierre…well, let’s just say we all hate Pierre, and so he’s not going to have as big a part in “Omega.” However, I’m going to introduce a character whom I think you all will love… I hope you all will love… He won’t have a POV though. It will be just Josh and Astrid, I suppose.

So yeah. Keep watch for those re-writings, just in case you miss some little details I throw in there for fun. I’m not sure when I’m going to get “Omega” up, but now that school’s over with (thank goodness) I’ll hopefully have more time in between my busy summer and social life. Umm…I feel like I had so much more to say…Well, thanks to all of you for reading/voting/fanning/commenting, because you have no idea how awesome it is to log in and see that on my homepage. Even on the worst days, it brightens my whole mood. So huge thank you to all my loyal readers!

Um…While you’re waiting for “Omega” to be uploaded, I would really appreciate it if you checked out my other works, especially “The Odds,” since I’m going to try and keep updating that as well. Thank you so much!

Also…if anyone has an cast ideas for Decrioux/Cloying or Alan Young or – oooh Stephen!! That would be super helpful. Thanks! :D I also just want to say that writing “Delta” has been a HUGE accomplishment for me (if I can say that without sounding too bigheaded). It’s 403 pages on Word, around 158,000 words (beating out Twilight and the first 3 Harry Potters, which was my goal! :D) and it’s taken nearly a year to write. Thank you ALL for reading and listening to me ramble on and brag endlessly…I really am terrible, aren’t I? Well, I’ll try to have better author’s notes in “Omega,” I promise, although my life really isn’t that interesting. So yeah.

Love you all, and keep being as awesome as all of you are!

Gracias one last time (until “Omega,” of course)

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