The Magic happens

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Ace looks at Bella. Well let's see how this movie is. Hey it's starting cool. Ace tries to grab some popcorn between him and Bella. Bella puts her hand in the popcorn and touches his hand and they look at eachother and smiles.

Umm.. Ace lightly Blushes. Sorry didn't mean to, I umm didn't see your hand there sorry. Ace looks nervous.Bella starts to stutter. I-uh it's okay. Bella puts her hand on her head and rubs it. Bella whispers to herself. You were so close Bella come on pull it together.

There was an hour of awkward silence.

Ace and Bella exit the movie theatre. and walks home.

Ace whispers to himself. Man this is getting even more awkward by the minute. I better think of something to say to her but she looks so damn beautiful, what do i say? so... did you like the movie? Ace whispers to himself again. Why am i so freakin lame with this.Yea. Bella thinks to herself. What am i saying i just met him am i in love with him? Think Bella think. Hey how old are you?

Ace thinks. Um... 17 how old are you? Ace gives a worried look.Bella smiles. 16 Bella bites her lip. Ohh. Ace smiles. I'm just wondering if you like hanging out with me. Ace gets a little nervous on what Bella might say. Lol yes alot! Bella thinks to herself. Wait did i just say that out loud?

Really! well were almost to your house. Well i have one more question for you. Are you single? Bella blushes. Maybe why are you asking? Ace thinks. Now i think she hates me. Bella gasps. you want me to be your girlfriend? Bella blushes tomato red. YES! Ace thinks. What did she say? did she just say yes?.. Great! because I really really like like you. And i wanna do this again sometime.

Bella thinks. OH MY GOD! my first boyfriend.Bella blushes tomato red. Honestly i really really like you too. Um.. so i was wondering if you have a curfew because if you don't i really want to show you a place where i like to get away from all my problems that I might want you to come with me if you want.

Um... My curfew isn't till  10 pm but sure. Let's go to the woods then, Ace grabs Bella's hands and pulls her into the woods until they reach his hideout. Here we are if you look up you have the clear sky where the stars are as bright as your beautiful eyes. Ace thinks wow that sounds cheesy. Bella laughs and smiles and loving his beautiful face. 

Ace blushes. Um...  yea come on over here a spot where we can sit at. Ace takes Bella to the meadow full of flowers. Right this is the spot. Ace and Bella sits down. Bella smiles. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me or made me feel like this. Really? wow I can't believe nobody ever made you feel this way because your so adorable and beautiful that I thought any guy would do that to you. Ace thinks. Did i just say that out loud?... Ace blushes.

Bella laughs. Hey can i ask you something? Sure what is it? Do you like emo girls? Yes... why do you ask? Just wondering because i'm one of those girls. Well do you like emo boys? Yes. Well then i got you a gift but you have to close your eyes. Bella laughs and  closes her eyes. Ace grabs the tips of Bella's chin and leans in and kisses her soft lips with passion.

Bella opens her eyes and smiles while gasping. Ace pulls away and makes eye contact. I'm sorry if i'm rushing things it's just that i just couldn't help myself from wanting to kiss you. Ace lightly blushes. Oh Bella looks at Ace and hugs him. I want to kiss you too but it's okay you don't have to apologize. But hey can i ask you a couple of questions? Yeah sure i'd like if you do.

Okay # 1 What High School do you go to? #2 What kind of music do you like? #3 Can I have your phone number? River Valley High School, I like heavy metal actually any type of music but mostly rock. And um yea sure. Ace blushes. 307-485-4035. Mine is 307-795-7815 and we go to the same high school and I like country, pop and a little bit of rock.

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