The bully

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Ace got bored and pulls out his phone without no one knowing and starts texting Bella. Hey what are you doing babe? phone while crying and texts back and puts a sad emoji face. Crying and doing an experiment how about you babe? Ace starts worrying about Bella. What?! Forget about the experiment why are you crying? What's the matter? Did the teacher do something wrong to upset you? Is someone picking on you. Where and who is? please tell me babe im worried please. Bella gets that very depressed feeling and texts back . This kid named Michael Evans gave me a note but he said it's not from him . It's from a girl named Lacey Andrews. The note said Bella Evans, Ace doesen't love you, Nobody loves u and by the way your a emo freak! And i thought to myself . How did she know who Ace is? How did she know i was dating him? How? Ace's blood is boiling and texts back. Bella know this don't listen to what that person said because she doesen't know what I feel for you and I don't care what they say about being a emo freak. Being a emo freak is better than being a freakin jerk because your the most beautiful girl I ever met no girl can replace you or can be you so don't you dare forget the sun because without your smile there is no sunshine in my sky so forget what the others say because your mine and mine only and no one is going to change you from that so all i ask is please smile and don't cry sugar lips ok. I love you more than any other dick heads can love you Bella. And that's the truth. Ace sends it and starts to copy down notes.

Bella smiles and sheds a tear at what Ace texted and texts back. That was beautiful and I love you. Im yours and always will be yours. No matter what i'll smile for you and for you only babe. Your my king and i am your queen. Always and forever. Ace smiles at the text and sighs then texts back. Besides when I see you again my beautiful queen. Im going to make you smile. I was saving this before we go back home since I can't hangout with you because I am being tutored I'll give you your gift after class ok love you babe and ignore all those stupid little people that is trying to knock you down to the ground ok love you babe.Bella texts back. Wait... im confused what am i getting? And ok love you too babe . The bell rings.

Ace walks out of the classroom to go to Bella's locker. Macey stops Ace for a minute. Hey Ace where are you going ? We have to go to our next class which is History. I'll be there just wait for me in there ok I have to go see someone ok bye Macey. Macey waves back before Ace could even hear or see her . Ok bye.... Ace . Bella walks out of the classroom and puts her books and stuff towards my chest and tries to smile and gets my hair out of my face. Hey... Ace saw how cute she looked and almost forgot to say hey. Hey babe ok close your eyes and don't open them til i tell u ok now close them. Bella closes her eyes until Ace says to open them. Okay... Ace goes to behind Bella and puts a heart shaped diamond necklace that says I love you that is gold with a black rose on the left side of the silver heart with diamonds. Ok you can open them now. Ace finishes putting the necklace on Bella and fixes Bella's hair.

Bella looks down at the necklace that Ace put on Bella. Omg this is beautiful Ace I-I love it! Bella hugs Ace. Ace hugs Bella. Anything for you my queen. Oh yea and I got you a rose just to show you how beautiful you are. My Angel. Bella leans in to kiss Ace on the lips and pulls away. Ohh you just made my day. Roses are my favorite kind of flowers. I love you so much! Ace starts blushing. Anything for you babe and when did you get so dominant? I always kiss you now your making the move first wow what's next your going to buy me dinner ? Ace starts laughing. Bella laughs and smiles. Lol if i had the money then maybe Lol. Ace pulls Bella into another kiss then pulls away. Sorry my sugar lips but if anyone's going to take someone else to dinner it's going to be me because your my queen and you deserve everything that no other girl can get. Ace then kisses Bella on the cheek and smiles at her. Bella smiles and cuddles underneath Ace's arm. Hey whenever u want i'll go with you. Only u. Nobody else. 

Ace smiles at what Bella said and kisses her on the top of her head. Thinking about picking her up bridestyle and skipping school so he could cuddle with her and kiss her all over her soft beautiful lips. And their is no other girl I would take to any dance or dinner unless it is u my love because your my beautiful rose and my sweet Angel. No one could stop me from loving you ever. Bella smiles and blushes at what Ace just said. Awww that is so sweet Ace. Ace lightly blushes . Cuz ive broken bones for you and only u my love. Ace starts walking Bella to class. Bella grabs her math book and notebook and walks with Ace and blushes tomato red while smiling. Ace grabs Bella's books from her and carries it to her class. My girl is not going to carry her books all the way to class so Im going to do it for her. Ace carries her books while holding her hand. Hey I can do it Lol. Bella smiles.

Ace laughs at what Bella just said . Sure you can oh well Im still going to carry them. Bella smirks at Ace . Lol ok love you'z. Ace kisses Bella's hands and then starts swinging each hand while almost to Bella's class. Love you too babe'z. Bella smiles and enters Math class while smiling. Ace smiles back. I'll miss you my sweet Angel. Bella smiles. I'll miss you more my handsome king. Bella sneakily texts Ace and tells him something. Right after this period. 9-12th has lunch all together. Im usually sitting by myself and u can sit wherever you want in there. Just thought i'd let you know. Ace smirks and texts back. Ok sure I'll make sure I sit with you. My beautiful rose. Bella smiles and texts back. Ok i'll see you soon. My dark Angel. Ace smiles at the text and walks to class before he's late. Bella smiles and puts her phone down and takes notes. Ace walks inside and saw that Macey has saved a seat for Ace to sit in then walks over there. Hey! Macey you didn't have to save me a seat. Macey looks at Ace. But I have to at least for my friend and to make sure u pay attention. Ok fine... wait did u just say were friends? Ace sits down with Macey. Yes well if u want to be. Macey gives Ace a sad face. Sure we can be friends. Ace smiles at Macey. 

Macey smiles back. Really? Thanks Ace . Ace and Macey starts copying down notes. Bella doesen't pay attention and starts drawing and putting hearts all around Ace's name. Mr. Campbell talks to Bella. Bella. Bella. Bella. Hello earth to Ms. Evans! Huh? What? Yes sir? Bella what is (1/3 + x+ 4) = 2? 4/3 = x? No this is why you are failing Math im talking to your parents to get you a tutor. Okay. Macey passes a note to Ace and whispers to Ace to read it. Ace  reads the note. Do u understand or are you having problems in this class? No this is the only class im good at. Ace then gives the note back to her. Macey reads the note. Oh sorry but can we sit together at lunch because I don't have no one to sit with your my first friend. Ace feels bad. Yea Macey you can sit with me at Lunch ok. Ace smiles at Macey. Macey smiles. Thank you Ace. Macey quickly hugs him for joy  and went back to work. Ace smiles. No problem just next time can we please at least give eachother high fives ok. Ace went back to work while smiling at his friend. 

Amanda talks to Bella. Hey bella. Yea what is it Amanda? Are you sitting by anyone at lunch? Yes my boyfriend. Would you like to sit with us? Sure. Bella smiles and thinks about Ace. Ace stares off into space for a minute and starts thinking about Bella and him kissing under a moonlight picnic. Macey slaps Ace. Ace pay attention jeeze. Macey starts screaming in his ear. Ouch. Ace rubs his ear. Fine i'll pay attention jeeze. Macey starts laughing and they both start finishing their notes. Bella smiles and starts tapping on her desk. Bella's teacher  tells the class something. U guys have 15 minutes til lunch. Ace texts Bella. Angel see you soon my beautiful queen ok love chu! Macey yells at Ace. Ace! Macey starts whimpering. Will you please pay attention. Macey gives Ace the puppy eyes. Ace rolls his eyes. Fine i will. Ace puts his phone away. Macey starts laughing. 

Bella looks at Ace's text and smiles and texts back. I'll see you soon too Love chu too! Ace looks at the text and smiles before Macey could say anything . The bellrang for lunch. Ace sighs. Saved from the bell. Macey pulls Ace up from his desk and both of them starts walking to the lunch room. Bella rushes out of the classroom with Amanda and goes into the lunch room and gets her food and sits at the table saving a seat for Ace. Ace and Macey grabs their lunch and tries to find Bella. Where is she I need to find her. Wait i think i see her. Bella finds Ace or tries to look for him but he is no where to be found So she put her hand and elbow over her head. Where is he? Ace see's the back of Bella's head and told Macey to hold his plate for a minute. Ace sneaks behind her and sneaks his arm around her to give her a hug from behind and tries to scare her. Bella jumps and realizes who is behind her. Who is behind me? Bella turns around. Oh hey Ace! Bella hugs Ace back. Ace hugs Bella a little tighter. How are you doing babe? Bella smiles. Nothin much just found out that im failing Math and needing a tutor. 

Ace sits next to Bella and kisses her hand. Well who is going to be your tutor? Macey walks over to Ace and hands him his tray of food. Thanks for leaving me with a plate of food Ace. Ace turns around and smiles. Im sorry I guess i forgot oops. Bella gives a I don't know look at Ace. Ace saw that look that Bella was giving Ace and finally understands. Sorry Bella umm Bella this is Macey Jones. My tutor and Macey this is my girlfriend Bella. Macey saw Bella. Sorry do u guys want to be alone and i'll leave if you want.

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