The Love story continues

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Ace shaking his head. No u don't have to go i promise. Your not bothering us that your here. Ace smiles nervously. Macey looks kinda nervous. Bella smiles. It's okay Macey. Oh and Ace this is Amanda Sandra. Amanda this is my boyfriend Ace Green. Amanda is one of my friends. Macey smiles. Ace waves at Amanda and then kisses Bella's hand again. Nice to meet you Amanda well i guess you'll be meeting Macey then. Ace points at Macey. It's nice to meet you too Macey. Bella eats a frenchfry and has a nervous feeling in her stomache. So..... what's up? Nothing much really just just want to hangout with Ace since no one likes me since they always pick on me so when I met Ace well at least he didn't make fun of me or nothing that's why i met him and you guys at least youn guys like me more than anyone. Ace pets Macey's head. Hey there is no reason to judge anyone. Were all the same. So I don't care who you are just don't think about it ok.

Macey smiles at Ace. Thanks for making me feel better. Ace picks up the fry and starts playing with them. Look Bella is a work. Ace starts wiggling it in her face and Macey starts to laugh. Bella makes a sad face and crosses her arms. I understand how you feel Macey. Alot of guys and girls pick on me but if anybody else picks on you come and tell me and i'll deal with it. U are my friend Macey. Macey smiles at Bella. By the way i love your hair especially the color. Why would anyone pick on you, your beautiful! Macey screams it out towards Bella while Ace plays with his food again. Bella smiles and plays with her hair. Thanks i also like yours Macey and yea well ever since i dyed my hair this color. Everybody started hating me except for u, Ace, Amanda and Amy and of coarse my twin brother.

Ace makes a joke. Then maybe both of us should dye our hair Blue since everybody has started to hate you and they can hate us both. Ace tries to balance a french fry on his nose. Wait Amy Dawson? Where is she? I would like to see her. Macey smiles at Bella and stole Ace's french fry and ate it. Ace pouts and stole one of Bella's french fries. She had to stay after class and Ace! Bella laughs at Ace. Ace you are such a dork lol. Ace ate the fry and kisses Bella on the lips while holding her hand that places on his face and pulls away. Yea but your my everything. without you here my life will not be complete. Because Im not going to let no diamonds and gold steal you away. Ace kisses Bella on the cheek. Besides you should have took the fry out of my mouth and into your mouth sweetheart. Bella smiles and eats her burger. What if i didn't want to? Lol oh and about the necklace. I am never ever taking it off for as long as i live. Bella gets a call from her mom. Hey mom what is it? Ok Y are you failing Math? Im just not that good at Math. Well I don't care when you get home. U are getting beat got it! Bella gasps. Mom NO! Bella starts to cry and sheds a tear and puts her hand over her face.

Ace saw that Bella was covering her face and pulls them away while holding her wrist in each of his hands. What's the matter Bella please don't cry baby I hate it when you lose that pretty smile my queen. My Angel, My beautiful rose, My everything does not deserve to cry so please smile. Ace wipes away Bella's tears away and looks at her beautiful blue eyes. and tell me what's wrong babe. Ace puts his hand on her face and cares it to make her feel better. Macey looks at Bella and felt bad. Yea what's the matter Bella. Ace's phone starts to vibrate and looks at it and puts it away to pay attention to Bella. Bella pulls away. M-My mom mom got mad at me for failing Math and now when i get home im getting beat physically. Bella covers her face again. Ace looks worried yet mad while Macey gasps. You just can't beat your own kid. I just won't let this happen Bella even if you have to come over or spend the night at someone's house . Im just not going to allow it I don't care if they are your parents I promise that I'll protect you from harm and Im keeping that promise. Ace grabs Bella one more time and looks at her in the eyes with a tear about to shed out of Ace's eyes. I promise you and i don't want to break it please go somewhere until the heat goes down or take my tutor.

Macey was shocked of what she was hearing. But Ace then you'll start failing. Ace still looking at Bella I don't care ! i'll make good grades, I'll study, I'll do everything and anything to keep Bella safe so if her parents wants good grades from her well that's what they get as long as they don't hurt her in that kinda way so take my tutor with you today or right now. Bella gets her hair out of her face and sniffs. Ace u don't have to i'll just. I just won't go home, I'll run away if i have too. But even if i try my mother knows where to find me. Macey looks at Bella. Then come live with me. We have an extra bedroom and my parents really don't mind honestly plus I can help you with your school work if you need it . So u don't have to worry ok besides your a sister to me and a bestfriend so u can always come and stay with me.

Ace was shocked at what Macey said and put some thought into it. As long as Bella's safe and taken care of. I don't care but that's up to Macey. I would let her stay over where i am but i can't. Not where im living. It's not perfect for my queen to live at. Awww that's sweet Macey. Bella smiles. I don't know where you live tho Macey. Then I'll just take u to my house after school and Ace can come if he wants so I can tutor u both. Ace is thinking. As long as u tutor Bella the most i'll come too ok. Macey sighs. I well Jeeze but if she needs more clothes i can take her shopping. My family is rich so i really don't mind buying u some clothes ok. Macey smiles at Bella. Are u sure Macey? Bella looks at her and smiles. I don't care really besides it's not me who u should be worrying about because it looks like Ace is about to have a heart attack if u don't come.

Bella looks at Ace and smirks at him. I'll think about it if u see me in the hallway i'll tell u my answer. Ace wondering why Bella is smirking and now kind of scared. If u really need to think I mean u have no choice or I'll. Ace starts to form a smirk. Tickle u to death or until u beg to breath for some air my love. Ace pecks Bella on the lips. But i do it for love honey and the answer better be yes. Bella leaning back away from Ace looking kind of scared. Ace the way u said that, your scaring me. Ace smirks and thinks about it. Yea i was supposed to sweet heart. Bella sighs. Am i supposed to decide now or what? Ace smiles then sighs. Fine i'll give u some time to think about it. I'll decide now if u guys want. Ive pretty much already thought of it.

Ace and Macey staring at Bella waiting for the answer. Well sweetheart don't make me have to get it out of u by tickling u my love. Bella breaths in and out and smiles. The answer to your question is.... YES! Ace pulls Bella into a hug. Thank you and i'll come over for a visit. Macey sighs. Or maybe instead of going to your house how about I tutor you both over at my house. And you guys can still hangout but you have to pay attention. Yea or do that. Ace kisses Bella's head. We got this lol. Bella hugs Ace back. Yea we can as long as Bella's by my side i can make it through. Bellrings which means that Lunch is over. I gotta go to History so i'll see you guys later i guess. Bella smiles. Ok me and Lover Boy have to go to class too we have I think Biology. I want to say oh well Macey grabs Ace by the collar and drags him to their next class. Love chu Bella, My queen!!

Bella smiles. Lol Love chu too see ya guys later. Ace waves bye while being dragged by Macey and thinks about Bella. Bella whispers to herself. Ok go to locker, grab history book and notebook and go to class. Don't talk to anyone unless it's Amanda, Amy, Ace or Macey or your brother. Bella heads to History class. Ace can you please for once use your own legs? because your heavy . Ace dreams about Bella until Macey let's go and Ace head his the floor. Owch! What was that for? Ace rubs his head. Well then pay attention to what im saying to u and use your freakin legs for once Jeeze. Macey turns around and walks to class. Ace gets up after dusting himself and starts walking with Macey. Please will be nice Macey. Macey sighs. Bella copies down notes and see's a note for me and decides to throw it away. Hey that was for u! Yea so u hate me why bother keep it? Bitch! Let go of me! Your hurting me stop! Lacey grips Bella's arm.

Ace is in class working on notes with Macey making about body parts. Bella thinks. Omg Ace and Macey are gonna be so worried about me because of this bruise on my arm. I gotta hide it but how? Ace pulls out his phone before he could text Bella. Macey took his phone and put it in her pocket. No Ace pay attention. No Phone. Macey wags her finger in his face. But... But... but I want to see if Bella made it to class or say I love you or...No buts! Ace you remember what she said. Ok i'll do my work for Bella. Bella daydreams about Ace and Macey while copying down notes. Okay pay attention, no fooling around. You got this Bella. You got this. Ace still copying down notes trying to think about Bella but also have to pay attention in class and whispers to himself. Come on Bell ring already. We got 3 minutes left. Macey staring at Ace seeing how hard he's trying to pay attention and goes back to writing notes. Ugh this is boring please let me have my phone back.... Ace is begging Macey.No.... Macey still writes down her notes. Ace taps his foot. Bell rings.

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