Day four

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER. Make sure you check out my football imagine book that I have with xZeiinabb. If you want me or her to make a imagine for you about your favorite player, go check it out and request something.

Thank you.

I love you xx


- Next morning -

'I don't want to go.' Bartra complained. 'Shut up Bartra, or I swear I will rip your complaining ass mouth of your face.' Dani almost shouted while Bartra immediately changed his attitude and backed off.

'It sucks our plan failed.' Leo mixed. 'I really wanted to laugh.' Benzema pouted.

'Well If mister Alves idiot didn't do the bucket good on the door. We would've had laughed.' Pepe said while he received a death glare of Dani. 'Excuse me?'

'You heard me.' Pepe said while giving him a wink. 'Well at least this idiot isn't like a dog like you.' He fired back.

'Says the one that looks like a monkey.' Pepe sniffled. Dani stood up and wanted to attack but Marcelo got between the guys and each team member of the two hold them back and let them sit.

'I swear, you two need to chill.' Cristiano said. 'He called me a monkey yo.' Dani shouted. 'But we all call you a monkey Dani.'  Neymar said. Everyone chuckled a little what light up the mood a bit.

'Everyone on the field now.' Enzo said. 'Since when do you fitness, on a football field?' Gerard asked Enzo. 'I don't know. It was Rosie's idea.'

The guys nodded and walked tot he field while they stood in a circle waiting for their fitness coach. 'Why is everyone quite.' Rafihna whispered to Isco. 'Because we actually hurt her, and I'm not afraid for her but I kind off feel bad.' He whispered back while the other guys looked to them.

'We all aren't afraid, but what she can do through our club. That's what scares me.' Suarez spoke up.

After a couple minutes, Rosie appeared on the field and didn't even bother to look at the guys when she walked to them. She stopped in the middle while she found herself surrounded by the players and ofcours the coaches and staff off both teams we're watching.

'I want 10 laps around the field. Last one, is going to run 5 more. And your time starts now.'

'But is that fitness?' Jordi asked. 'I know what fitness is, so go.' She shouted, while the others started to run. She could hear them saying this isn't bad, because she started the fitness two days.

Rosie pov

After the 10 laps, Iniesta was the last one. 'You know what to do.' I said without looking to him.

I asked the staff of both of them teams if they can help me to give the guys a big ball each to a player and I asked the guys if they all could spread over the whole field. It was stupid to ask if I could train with them all in once, because the other day I did it in groups.

I let them balance with their back on the ball, just to stretch their body. Even thought I hate them for doing that stupid prank on me, that ended with a big swelling on my head what still hurts. It was quite peaceful and they did exactly what I told them. After 45 minutes doing excercises, I told them they can rest a bit for 10 minutes. I looked on my papers and saw that I only have three more exercise to do with them and then their done.

'You know, even though they did a terrible prank at you. I thought you would almost break their legs, but your so calm and you don't even try to kill them.' I heard Enzo talking to me, I looked up and smiled. 'I already killed them once, If I would do it twice. The two clubs won't be ok with it, and i want that money.' I said while placing the papers down. 'Well your one of a kind.' He suddenly said. I frowned my eyebrows. 'Ofcours I am.'

Before he wanted to say something, Benitez walked to me and started smiling. 'You have a great impact on the guys.'

If you only know how 'great' it is...

'Their calm and relax. Much better than your last fitness you gave them.' Luiz mixed and started to chuckle. 'I'll do what I have to do.' I said and walked back to the guys. Another 45 minutes to go, then I'm free for today.


' Are you ok?' I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw Rafihna. 'I'm fine.' I hissed. ' Oh come on, your not.'

I sighed and looked further to my paperwork. ' I just don't know why i even got this job. I also thought about working with the team I like so much but they all are butt heads.'

'Well thank you?' He said while looking at me offended and I knew he tried to make me laugh what kind off worked. If he knew that he wasn't the person in the team I ment.  

'But uhm, I'll see you tomorrow.' I said and walked away. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. 'It looks like he likes you.' Enzo said wiggles his eyebrows. 'Who?'

'Alcântaraofcours.' I turned around and saw Rafihna fooling with Neymar and Dani. I smiled slightly and turned to Enzo. 'I am not interested anyways.'  

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