Chapter 28

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Lilly's P.O.V :

The things that Aman said last night haunted my mind all night. Every single line he said had pierced my heart. I couldn't say anything back to him. What would I say? I knew he was right in someway which made me feel even more scared.

I stayed up all night with millions of thoughts and his haunting words flooding my mind. Sometimes I fear if there is any future for us at all.. he had said... I drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning the next day.

I woke up to a Aman calling my name. I opened my eyes to see him sitting beside me all dressed up and ready. I got up and sat on the bed and saw he had packed all his bags. "You are.. g-g-going back?", I asked. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Yes my flight is in two hours and it takes an hour to reach the airport", he said. I was still in shock.

"I will get ready, give me ten minutes I will be quick", I said getting off my bed. I just hoped all this was a bad dream.

"Its alright Lilly, my uber is waiting down, It will get late. I will call you when I reach", he said and my heart broke. "Okay...", I said, looking down, still processing the turn of events.

We hugged and then he kissed me for a brief moment before he left. I was completely at loss of words. I watched him go standing by the door till he was out of my sight. I then closed the door and sat down on the floor. I wanted to call him back but what could I say. He flew all the way here and I could hardly give him a few hours of my time. I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

I didn't feel sad as much, I didn't feel upset as much, but I felt one strong feeling. I felt fear.

I could hardly do anything for the rest of the day. I did attend my meetings but it had gone really bad as I could hardly put my mind into it. I had then left back to L.A. When I reached L.A, I checked my phone to see a message from Aman saying he had reached.

I couldn't sleep all night. I kept staring at my phone and walking around the house, trying my best to not think of the worst case scenarios.

It was the next day, I had still not slept. I had gone to the kitchen to have some water when I heard my phone ringing. I checked to see Aman was calling. Fearing the worse I picked up the call. "Hello..", I said, my heart was racing.

"I am sorry Lill", he said, and I was silent I was scared what he would say next.

"I shouldn't have walked off that way, I over reacted, I don't know what had gotten into me", he said. that's when I started to cry. "Lill, please don't cry babe, I am so sorry, I was a jerk, I shouldn't have treated you that way", he said, and I just couldn't stop to cry.

"I am sorry Aman, I didn't give you time", I said finally, "You came all the way from London and I wasn't able to spend anytime with you".

"No Lill, it was my fault. I should have guessed you would be busy. I should have asked Jaz at least to know your schedule", he said.

We spoke for a long while and we both cried. I felt so much better after the call. I had really feared I had lost him for a moment.

Somehow this little incident made our bond stronger.

Aman's P.O.V :

After returning to London from NYC I couldn't sleep all night. I kept replaying the events and started to realize how selfish I had been. I knew very well about the busy schedules during tours as I had first hand experience in them. And to expect Lilly to give me time after going to her without even giving a warning was plain stupid of me.

The more I thought about it the more disappointed I was at my behavior. I was being unreasonable and putting her through a hard time for no fault of hers. I decided to set things right and looked at the clock. I waited till it was morning in L.A. and then dialed her number.

When I heard her cry over the phone my heart broke. I had put her through this and hurt her. I felt like the worst person for making my angel cry. I had then tried my best to make it up to her by cheering her up with everything I could do over phone, from singing songs to making silly jokes.

Being the darling that she is , she had laughed at my Not-so-funny jokes and asked me sorry for not giving me enough time which had warmed my heart.

I never knew there was a way to love her more, but she made me realize it was possible every single time.

Lilly's P.O.V :

Another two months ad passed by and I couldn't be more happier as my album release tour was a major hit, I had signed up a major brand deal with youtube and most importantly, Aman was coming over to L.A next week. We both had decided to take a week long break from work and he was coming to stay for a week before we got busy in our new projects.

I was making lunch as I listened to songs on the DVD gifted to me by Aman when I heard the door bell ring. I opened to find it was Grace. Her eyes were all puffed up and she looked like a hot mess.

"Hi Lilly, can I stay at yours for tonight?", she asked. "Sure babe, come on in", I said, a little surprised and concerned. Grace was a good friend of mine, we had hung out a few times before.

She sat on my couch and held her head in her hands, I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Whats up Grace? What happened?", I asked, I didn't know her so personally so had no clue what might be going on.

"Joseph cheated on me", she said and burst into tears. "aww babe I am so sorry", I said and hugged her. Joseph was her boyfriend and they had been dating for a few years now. I felt really bad for her.

I consoled her, we spoke till night. We then had dinner and she went to sleep in the guest bedroom, after which I went back to my work.

I was making the breakfast the next day when Grace walked out of her room all ready. "Hey Grace, you feeling better?", I asked as she looked much better than last night.

"yes, I am going to get back to Joseph", she said which kind of shocked me. I mean, she had just found out he had cheated on her last night.

"What? Why? I mean,.. How come?", I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"I thought about it. and I think I get it why he cheated. I am so busy, I hardly give him any time. He had been understanding for a long while, but how long can he compromise because of my career. I mean, a man has his needs right?", she said and and started walking towards the door.

"where are you going?", I asked.

"Home. To Joseph. I am going to give him such a good time that he will never think of another woman again", she and and winked at me, "thanks a lot for letting me crash at your place by the way, see you soon", she closed the door behind her.

I sat down to think about what she said. I never ever thought about it this way. Was I doing the same with Aman? Of course Aman wouldn't cheat on me, but was I being fair with him?

Her words kept coming back to my mind.

I hardly give him any time

He had been understanding for a long while

how long can he compromise because of my career

a man has his needs right?

As fate would have it - Part 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now