Chapter 3: The Cardinal Knights

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After an emergency meeting between King Larimar and all his knights, guards and huntsmen; it has been decided that there will be a search party to find the missing orb. It is important that the Quartz Orb is found quickly because the longer it is missing the less likely it is that there will be a good harvest this year; and what if it is never found? What would happen then? Will there be enough food to feed the kingdom?

Princess Harlequin was not allowed at the meeting, it was not her place to decide what should be done about the Quartz Orb, but that did not stop her from listening in on her father's conversation. She was desperate to help and desperate to know what was going on. I've got to help find the Orb, she thought to herself.

The search is to start right away. The Cardinal fairies which are in charge of the 4 ends of the earth, north, east, south and west, gather their troops and assemble in the courtyard of Crystal Castle.

Jet is the tracker and hunter of the north. He is tall and strong with a short black ridge of hair, like a mohawk. His eyes are hazel brown and his wing are grey with flecks of silver; showing his connection to royalty. All royal knights are either gold or silver. Jet is assertive but gentle, mostly keeping to himself. Jasper is the tracker and hunter of the east. His is a solid build and is the shortest of the 4 cardinal fairies. He has shoulder length, bright red hair, with a bright red goatee beard that comes down to a point. His eyes are green like the forest. His wings are yellow with patches of gold. Jasper has a mean temper and is always shouting orders at his men; nobody enjoys his company. Onyx is tall and muscular; he is the hunter and tracker of the south. He has long, wavy blonde hair which comes just past his shoulders, with bright blue eyes. Onyx also has grey and silver wings like Jet but his have blue patches. He is a powerful leader and is known for being fair and kind. The tracker and hunter of the west is Howlite. Howlite is really tall, taller than Jet and Onyx; Jasper looks tiny when he stands near Howlite. He has deep blue hair with stone grey eyes. His wings are brown with splashes of gold. Howlite is super strong; his strength cannot be matched by any other fairy. He is also clever and loves an adventure.

Just as the cardinal fairies where preparing for their journey and about to saddle up, Princess Harlequin came running over to the huge group. She is desperate to help search for the Orb and she has a plan. She knew if she asked her father's permission to join the search he would never have allowed it, she wouldn't be allowed out of the castle grounds let alone go on a search with a group of men, even if they were the trusted knights of his majesty.

"Howlite, please can I ride with you?" the Princess asked.

"No Princess Harlequin. I know your father would never approve of you leaving the castle with me and my men". Knowing Howlite is right she did not push the matter further. Instead she moved on to Jet.

"I'm going to ride with you Jet, into the north" she said boldly.

"With all due respect your highness, I would rather you didn't. I do not want you to get hurt and I feel you would be safer if you stayed here at home". Jet calmly replied.

"But I want to help look for the Quartz Orb. Besides I will bring Topaz, he can protect me" the princess pleaded. The look on Jet's face said it all and as she hadn't ever really spoken to Jet in the past she thought it wise not to push him as she didn't know him. Getting more desperate she rushed over to Onyx. He was her next choice as she didn't want to ride with Jasper and his men. They are rather coarse and their manners are awful.

"Onyx, can I ride with you and your men"? He could hear the desperation in her voice. He looked the Princess up and down, realising how vulnerable and pretty this young fairy is. She is much smaller than him, slightly younger and has no experience in tracking, camping or hunting.

"Princess Harlequin; knowing as fond of you can I am, I would gladly allow you to join me on the search; your company would bring me great pleasure. However your father is the King of this land and he will have me banished if he knew I had allowed you to come along on this dangerous mission. This is going to be a tough journey; there are many dangers outside these castle walls and I would hate to see you get hurt". The last thing Princess Harlequin wants is to get Onyx banished from Peridot, it wouldn't be fair. Her last hope to join the search is to try and join Jasper and his troops.

"Jasper" she called. "My father has ordered for me to ride with you into the east on the search".

"No you're not! Jasper barked. "I'm no fool child! You must think I'm stupid if you think I'm going to allow you to come along with me on the search, your more aggro than your worth, even if you are the king's daughter. Go and find some other mug to tag along with... Onyx is daft enough to let you!" He laughed. Hurt by Jaspers unkind words Princess Harlequin ran off. She ran into the royal stables where her horse, Flint was bedded up. Seeing that there was nobody else around, she has an idea!

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