Chapter 2: The Surprise Storm

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It has been a very long and busy day, everybody has worked hard. There is still much more to do but every ones spirit was high after having completed a full days work. As all the fairies settled in their homes for supper, dark, grey clouds were pushing their way over Peridot. With it being spring time the individuals who did notice the storm clouds approaching were not alarmed as they knew spring brought lightening storms and showers.

After a nice supper of goose grass stew, Princess Harlequin is looking over her balcony across the land of Peridot. There are a few lights flickering in the distance, which is kind of comforting to her as she realises that she is not the only one wake. But it also makes her sad because she longs for a life where she is surrounded by friends and loved ones; she wishes she had somebody to share her life with. Being the only daughter and only child of king Larimar he is very protective of her as she is young and very pretty. She has long hazelnut brown hair with crystal blue eyes. Princess Harlequin is not allowed out into the woods or the village unless she is either escorted by a royal guard or with her father.

Just before Princess Harlequin decided to go to bed, she took once last glance at the village and noticed that the wind had picked up and there is dampness in the air. She thought to herself "I wonder if it is going to rain".

In the early hours of the morning a huge crash sound woke the princess up; she is startled as another crash of lightening lit up her room, followed but a loud groan of thunder! "This is one nasty storm", she thought. She ran over to the glass doors which lead out onto the balcony, the doors had blown open the wind is that strong and rain was getting in. Princess Harlequin struggled to get the doors shut and locked but she finally managed it. Just as she turned round to get back into her bed she heard a scratch at her bedroom door, there is a shadow moving under the door; curious as to what it is she quietly crept over to the door and slowly opened the door ever so slightly. She peered round the big wooden door... it was Topaz. He is the Princess' pet snow leopard. He is only still a cub really being just 3 years old but he is already very strong and powerful. The storm has obviously been so loud its woken Topaz too, so he's decided to check on the Princess. He crept into the room without a sound and sat next to the fire place, which was opposite Princess Harlequin's bed. Unfortunately the fire is down to its last embers so it's not giving off much heat but the fire place is huge, with a wooden frame carved with leaves and flowers, each flower has a different crystal inside it, making it very beautiful.

Princess Harlequin just noticed how the fire was very low and what with the constant sounds of thunder and rain beating against the windows, she figured it is probably a good idea to stoke the fire up again before the room gets too cold, so she piled on a couple more logs which lay next beside the fire. The rain got heavier and heavier throughout the rest of the night. The wind continued to howl and the thunder and lightning would make an appearance every so often, causing the windows to rattle.

By morning the rain, wind, thunder and lightning had finally come to an end. All that is left are a few clouds in the sky. It is hard to believe that such a violent storm could have disappeared without a trace, Princess Harlequin thought. But she was wrong.

After getting dressed Princess Harlequin and Topaz made their way down to breakfast. Everybody is talking about the storm last night. "Wasn't it loud" one servant said. "It was ghastly; my neighbour's tree has blown down and caused a right mess!" Said another. "We're lucky there hasn't been more damage throughout Peridot" said a loud but stern voice of King Larimar. Just as the King finished his sentence Princess Harlequin sat down at the table to eat some of the yummy delights spread across the breakfast table. Breakfast time is always a social event in Crystal Castle, King Larimar sits at one end and Princess Harlequin sits at the opposite end. Between the King and Princess sits the 4 cardinal knights. It is the time of day when king Larimar gives out the daily orders, discusses any important business and any important news is shared.

As everybody finished their breakfast and was about to leave, a young servant burst into the dining room. "The Quartz Orb has gone, it's not there!! It's..... It's been washed away by the storm last night". Everybody in the room gasped with shock. A few moments passed with silence. "We have to find it father", the princess said. "Without it our crops and flowers won't grow, there won't be enough food for us all through the winter".

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