Coffee and Tears (Part 2)

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Clarke's POV

Clarke was speechless. Her response hung on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't manage to spit out the words.

"How about we meet at the coffee shop on 54th Street? For old times sake?" questioned Bellamy.

Her lips tugged into a huge grin, after all this time, through everything that has happened, he was still by her side. "I would love that."

Bellamy's POV

Bellamy had hung up the phone and buried his hands in his head. It's been more than two years since he had heard that voice. The voice that he thought he'd never hear again, the voice that he craved and missed. When he had heard her, he instantly recognized who it was.

Bellamy knew Clarke had been distant with everyone for a while now, he thought that she needed some time to heal. Whenever he would try to comfort her, the more distant she became. The silence carried on for months until Clarke told him one day to move on.

"Who was that?"

"Just an old friend," slowly replied Bellamy.

"What did she want?"

"To catch up and stuff, I arranged plans to meet up with her in half an hour actually."


"What's wrong?"

"I just thought we would spend the holidays together..."

"We are, I just haven't seen her in years. It won't take more than a couple hours, okay?"

Gina nodded her head as he kissed her cheek and went to their room to get ready.

Ever since Clarke broke up with Bellamy, he had spiraled into a dark, deep path. Clarke refused to speak with him, see him, she was never at school anymore; she resorted to homeschooling. It was like Clarke had disappeared from the face of the earth. 

Bellamy didn't know what to do, his everything became nothing.

Bellamy started to drink a lot, party a lot. He had a one-night stand with a girl a couple years ago, her name is Gina. Bellamy had a huge hole in his heart, he needed to fill it. Gina was the solution.

He got into his Chevy and drove down to the coffee shop him and Clarke used to go to. It brought back a lot of old memories, making his stomach churn into tight, tangled knots.

Bellamy parked his car, entered the coffee shop and ordered a coffee and a latte. The same kind of latte Clarke would always order. He grabbed the two drinks and sat in the booth, where multiple of their dates had once taken place.

Bellamy wouldn't deny it, he was excited. He wasn't this excited for anything in years. He told himself that he had moved on, that he was with someone new. But as the door opened and his eyes followed a familiar blond, he forgot about Gina.

Clarke's POV

She walked to the coffee shop, ever since her father's death, Clarke was traumatized to ever be in a car. She resorted to walking. As she entered the coffee shop, she scanned the shop before meeting eyes with Bellamy. Her heart sunk, she turned into a childish schoolgirl. She couldn't control her racing heart, or how her palms started to sweat.

"Clarke, you need to stop. He has a girlfriend remember," mumbled Clarke to herself as she approached the booth. She noticed Bellamy was smiling. She missed that smile.

Bellamy stood up to wrap his arms around Clarke, taking her in. She hesitated, before responding and hugging him tightly. 

They eventually sat down, for Clarke to see that Bellamy had ordered her old time favorite latte. A smile crept upon her face, soon she couldn't stop smiling at the small gesture.

Clarke hasn't smiled that much in years.


Bellamy's POV

There were so many unanswered questions, he needed answers. He needed the closure to truly move on, at least that's what he told himself. "Clarke, can I ask you a few things?" hesitantly questioned Bellamy.

"I mean we're here right?"

"Why did you push me away?"

Her smile was wiped off her face in a blink of an eye. Bellamy knew he screwed up.

"Look, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But Clarke, you need to open up to someone. If not to me, than to som-"

"You know my father passed away in a car crash. He was gone in a blink of an eye. Before I knew it, my mother was gone most of the time. It was like she wasn't even in my life anymore..."

Bellamy took in every word that came out of her mouth, whilst staring at her intently the whole time. He watched how her bright blue eyes turned into a cloudy gray, with trickles of tears that started to spill out of her eyes. Her cheeks were a bright red now from her tears, constant sniffles could be heard, he watched as she tried to control her breathing.

Clarke was breaking down.

Bellamy stood up and reached out his hand. "Clarke..."

"I didn't know how to react, I shouldn't of pushed any of you away. Not Jasper, not Monty, not Octavia, not-"

"Clarke listen to me. Nothing is your fault, okay" Bellamy started but Clarke was shaking her head.

"Bell, how can you forgive me so easily? For all the shit I put you through?"

"I haven't forgiven you, but I want to."

He could see how her tears welded the corners of her eyes, she was shaking her head as if he was wrong to say those things. He watched how she stood up, snatching her purse.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this-"

"Clarke," spoke Bellamy sternly as he stood up, blocking her path. "It's been years, don't torture yourself like this. You're pushing me away, again."

"You don't know what I've been through," Clarke spoke bitterly as she shoved past him.

He couldn't lose her, not again. Bellamy reached out and grabbed her wrist, with a firm grip. "Help me understand," he whimpered with desperation.

Clarke's eyes met his, they both intensly starred at each other until Bellamy spoke up again, "please Clarke."

She sighed as more tears gushed down her cheeks, nodding her head in agreement. "Okay Bell."


He hasn't heard that nickname for so long, atleast from someone else other than Octavia.

A slight smile printed across his face. He gestured to sit back in the booth, which Clarke agreed to.

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