Cute Corner Store Guy

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The sun sent rolling heat waves across the streets of Arkadia, burning anyone who stepped out of their poorly air conditioned house. It was Clarke's last week of summer break before she had to return to the depth of hell (also known as med school at Arkadia University).

Clarke wanted to make the most of her day. She wanted to feel warm sand in between her toes or feel the cool sensation of lemonade that rushed through her veins. She wanted to take long hikes with her friends or to roast marshmallows at the beach.

She made a schedule of everyone's off days and places the gang could go. She didn't want to deal with last minute, messy plans that would usually flop.

Today just happened to be the last day of everyone being available before they had to return to their routinely, daily lives.

Sand filled shoes, coolers of soda and beach bags were packed to the brim as the gang dashed onto the beach. Everyone had set up beach towels, umbrellas, and chairs. Everyone was getting settled in as Monty let out a huge groan.

"Ugh, are you kidding me?"

"What?" spoke Raven as she looked up from her book.

"Someone clearly forgot to bring the ice for the cooler" Monty gritted his teeth as he glared towards Jasper.

"Hey, it's not my fault, I was too busy trying to find the-"

"It doesn't matter," interfered Clarke. "I'll just drive by a store and pick some up," Clarke reasoned as she grabbed her car keys.

"Oh, while you're buying ice can you buy me sunflower seeds? I love that stuff," called out Miller.


She sat in her beat up car, suddenly feeling a thousand degrees hotter. She pried the seatbelt and buckled herself in, avoiding to touch any of the metal parts of the car. She cranked on the engine and pressed her hands against the burning hot steering wheel. She rolled down the windows, feeling small ripples of cool air blow in her car.

She was unfamiliar with the neighbourhood, considering that she rarely comes to this part of town, let alone the beach. Suddenly, a quaint corner store caught her eye. Clarke immediately pulled into the parking lot and entered the store.

The first thing she noticed was the cool air conditioning that hit her face. She saw the rows of miscellaneous goods, from candy to toilet paper. Clarke also noted that there was a very attractive store clerk, looking at her direction. A blush rose to her cheeks as her eyes met his, pulling herself away in order to not stare for too long.

She could feel his eyes follow her every move, making her feel dizzy under his stare. Clarke only met this guy for the first time a literal five seconds ago, and she's already dying of heat exhaustion (the room is still, very well air conditioned). Clarke opened the freezer and bent down to pick up a bag of ice. She could still feel his eyes burn holes into her back. She was convinced that the ice would melt in her grasp because of how burning hot she had become.

Clarke slowly weaved her way through aisles, pretending to look for something she doesn't need. She snuck quick glances of him in between rows, always meeting eyes with him every time she looked up. "Do you know what aisle I can get sunflower seeds?" she asked, flustered and hesitantly as she flashed him a quick smile.

He gave her a private smile, almost amused. "They should be right in front of you," he chuckled as she looked down to notice the packaged seeds sit in racks.

Heat rose to her cheeks as her face turned to a bright pink. "T-thanks" she stuttered as she snagged the bag of sunflower seeds and went to the cash register.

Clarke didn't say a word, all she could do was stare at the curly haired boy who stood before her. His locks of hair flying in all directions, the freckles that mapped across his face. She briefly noted how toned his arms were, her eyes trailing to the name tag which printed "Bellamy".

"That will be $10.74" he spoke, snapping her out of her daze.

"$10.74?" she repeated.

"$10.74," he confirmed as he gave her a smirk, driving Clarke over the edge. She quickly bit her lip as she started digging through her purse for her wallet.

And she still kept digging through her purse, feeling slightly panicked and pressured as the cute store clerk kept watching her. Where the hell was her purse?

It took about a minute before Clarke gave him an uneasy smile, "my wallet is not in here," she stated, sounding more like a question as she continued to sift through her bag.

She could sense him smirk in amusement as he watched her slightly panic. "You know what I-I have to go back and get some cash for my friends so-"

"Where are your friends?" he asked, looking around the store to see no one but her.

Clarke slightly winced, "they're back at the beach."

Bellamy chuckled as he pushed the ice and sunflower seeds towards her, "it's fine. Just take it."

Clarke starred at him blankly. "W-what?"

Bellamy nodded as he looked down at the ice and sunflower seeds, "Just take it," he spoke.

"For free?" Clarke reassured as Bellamy flashed her another smirk, driving her off the edge.

"Yeah, for free- unless if you don't want to-"

"-I'll pay you back" Clarke interjected as she grabbed the ice and seeds. "I should probably head back, my friends are probably dying while drinking warm drinks." She squinted her eyes, pretending to read his name tag, although she already noted his name. "Thanks, Bellamy."

"No problem, sunflower seed girl."


"What took you so long?" whined Octavia as she sat up from her tan.

"I-I was caught up in something," Clarke reasoned as Octavia flashed her a weird glance.

"Did you, meet someone?" Octavia squealed as Clarke groaned.


"Tell me about him!" Octavia said excitedly.

Clarke shrugged, "he's just really cute and he works at Kane's corner store."

"What's his name?" curiously asked Octavia as she poured the ice into the cooler.


Octavia glanced up at Clarke and gave her a sly looking smile. "Sounds like a great guy."


The next day, Clarke comes back to the same corner store to see the same cute freckled face boy.

"Hey there sunflower seed girl," he joked as she approached the counter.

"Hey, I promised I'd pay you back," she spoke as she started to dig through her wallet which she brought this time.

"You don't have to," Bellamy said, flashing a smile.

"You're going to get in trouble," spoke Clarke as she handed him a ten dollar bill.

"No, I won't. Really. My dad owns this place, it's not like he can disown me."

Clarke shoved the ten dollar bill towards him. "No, I don't want to feel like I owe you anything!" she whined.

"Well, I could take you out for dinner, and you wouldn't have to owe me anything?"

Clarke smiled as she nodded her head, "yeah. I'd like that, a lot."

"Sounds good, uh?"


"Ah, she has a name. I was tired of calling you sunflower seed girl," he joked.


Two months later, Bellamy brought Clarke to his place to watch a movie. When they stepped into Bellamy apartment, there sat Octavia sitting on the couch. She looked up at the two and gave them a quick smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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