Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

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He never really noticed her. She was sitting two rows in front of him in their AP history class. She raised her hand when the professor asked a question, she always volunteered to hand out papers and assignments; she was your average goody two shoes. It was rumored that she was getting a hundred percent in Mr. Kane's class, and that infuriated Bellamy.

Bellamy had been busting his ass in this class just to scrape by with a mere ninety percent, a ninety percent!

She was always a suck up and seemed like a snob. He's heard the stories of her mother being a surgeon, and her father being the mayor of Arkadia. She was spoiled, showered with affection from her parents, something that Bellamy didn't have.

He scoffed when she gave her stupid speech on Vimy Ridge. Although she held her held up high, voice confident, Bellamy could guarantee that he could top her speech. When he volunteered to present after her, the audience was blown away by Bellamy's sudden expertise on the subject, intriguing the audience with every single word. He felt the satisfaction build inside his chest as she sent daggers towards him.


The next week, Kane assigned a speech for everyone to do about how World War Two influenced history today. Bellamy grumbled, knowing that Kane's speech topic was very veg, but he decided to hit up the local library to find a topic to write about. When he went to the history section, many of the books about World War Two had been cleared off the shelf. Bellamy scratched his head in confusion, before he spotted the same blonde at the book check out with a stack of books.

"And what do you think you're doing, Princess?" spat Bellamy as he strided behind Clarke, making her turn around.

She gave him a glare, "Princess?"

Bellamy shrugged, "care to tell me why everything on World War Two from this library is gone?" he gestured to the stack of books that piled on the check out desk.

"For my speech," she said bluntly.

Bellamy frowned, "I have an speech to write too, you know."

Clarke shrugged, "so?"

Bellamy pinched the bridge of his nose, "care to share, Princess?"

She sighed, turning back to her stack of books to take a novel from the top of the pile and hand it to him. "Here's something from my check out pile. You can read it if you'd like." With that, she sauntered away before Bellamy could say another word.

Bellamy looked down in his grasp to see a blue hardcover book, with a black and white cloud doodled on the front and the words "The Fault in Our Stars". He scowled as he took the book with him anyways.

That night, Bellamy didn't sleep, as he scoured the internet for inspiration.


Second period rolled around, and Bellamy was awake, thanks to three cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a bottle of Gatorade. He strolled into class, paper in hand and the Fault in Our Stars book which Clarke oh so greatly shared with him. His eyes flickered towards her, to see a sluggish smirk on her face.

"Okay, any presenters?" spoke Kane as he leaned against his desk table. No one raised their hand, making Kane's face fall. "C'mon you guys! Do I need to pick on someone?" he threatened as Clarke's hand quickly shot up.

"I'll present, Mr. Kane," offered Clarke as she stood up from her seat, approaching the front.

After her well put together speech on how World War Two affected artists, the class applauded as usual, with Kane nodding his head in immediate approval. "Great job, Clarke!" Kane commended as Clarke skipped back to her seat. "Anyone else?" Kane asked, everyone avoiding his stare.

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