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It's September 9th.
September 9th.
September 9th.

Hazel would've been two today, but she's not.
Because I'm a fucking dumb ass.
It's two o'clock and I'm in the nurse because I'm "sick".
I told Mrs.Doss I was texting my mom to see if she'd pick me up.
What a lie.
I thinks she can hear my sobs out in her office. Because she keeps walking up to the door and then going back to sit down.
She finally decides to come in and turn to face the wall.
"Here, take these" she hands me two Pills.
"Oh. Um. Thanks" that won't be enough though.
"Where is most of the pain"
"My chest. Everywhere"
"Have you gotten in contact with your mother"
At this point, I coughed and asked for a water bottle.Not in almost three months.
"No. She's probably at work"
"I can give you a pass to leave early"
"No, thanks. I have to wait for my ride anyways, but thank you, Mrs.Doss.

And then the pacing continued .

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