Back to October

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Okay, so I said I'd do a recap on the months I missed in my hiatus and here they are. Starting from October because September is just September and I was basically just depressed and shit that whole month.

October started out okay, I spent most of my time waiting for Halloween. I mean, who didn't?

A week in, Forrest broke up with me. He said he didn't think he was ready to be in a relationship with someone yet and all this shït about not wanting to ruin our friendship or hurt me.


He started feeling bad about six days later and kept saying sorry, but I was basically just like, "Nope, the fück,
Boy," when I really wanted to be like, "Fücking love me."

On the 24th, I used cheesy pick up lines on the ride to school. I didn't think they'd do anything but I was bored out of my mind and it was awkward ass hell in that car. Anyway, they must have done something because we ended up getting back together later that day.

And then, there was Halloween night. Forrest texted telling me to get ready

Forrest: Hey, be ready in 15 minutes I'm coming to pick you up.

Me: Uhh, for what. Where're we going.

Forrest: It doesn't matter dumb ass. Just get dressed. We're going into the city.

Me: Foryy, Yeah it does because you could be tryna kill me. Wtf am I supposed to wear?? Is it cold?

Forrest: We're not going across the country😂😂. Wear sneakers though because there'll be running.

Me: Yeah and if you don't tell me where we're going I'm gonna hunt your ass down and then you better run Forrest, run.

Forrest: Haha, so original. I'm around the corner, Love.

He ended up taking me to this restaurant down town with this fücking delicious ass food. Everything was in this Halloween theme, including the food which was cool.

When dessert came, the waitress also brought out these two tickets to go see Terror Behind The Walls which I hadn't heard much about before.

We walked like two blocks and it was right there, and holy hell, it was scary. The place is an old Penitentiary said to be the most haunted place in America.

There were different rooms and sections and the people had to go through the whole think until they found the exit. The workers were dressed up as inmates, creepy clowns, and monsters and were allowed to grab and drag you away if you had a glow stick. Of course I was snatched and my knight in shining armor made a brilliant show of his chivalry by running away.

The night ended up being amazing, and ughh, you should've seen Forrest's smile the whole night. Pretty sure I've fallen to hard for this boy. I need life alert.

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