For TimCotton's contest :]

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For TimCottonFNAF

So, I decided to do my one of my OCs AND one of yours. So I picked Foxiplier and Jax

But while I was drawing, I started getting some mad feelz from it

Like holy crap, it was a huge wave of feelz.

Cuz Jax is adopted by the Purple guy and is forced to kill, so I'm guessing if she doesn't listen to her adopted father, she gets abused.

Foxiplier was given away, since his parents just called him a 'misfit' and thought he was a freak against nature. So, he was threatened to be one of those 'crazy freaks' and do silly things for other's entertainment. He felt lost and scared, just wanting to be normal.

So now, since Foxiplier is an adult and tends to himself, he wants to help Jax out to. He doesn't want someone to be treated like he was, how he was forced to do things.

So he promises, to protect her, and help her through.

Man, I dug way to deep into this XD as you can tell, I work really hard on it :>

Hope you enjoy! :3

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