Chapter One

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"Wedding festival...?"

The Japanese asked as he put down his pen on the table. On the other end Milly nodded as the rest of the council looked at her with surprise and yet shock, because the student council president had made up another plan. One that would most likely end up with torture for the others.

"Uhn! Wouldn't it be fun to have a wedding?"

She said as she placed her hands on the table, not only forcing everyone to pay attention but to also show her enthusiasm for the idea. Somewhere in the back Lelouch sighed.

"I think that will be going too far over our budget... Kaicho"

He quietly complained and Milly placed her hands on her hips as she yelled at him.

"You always have to ruin my fun... since when do we have a budget for our own parties?"

"Since you put me in charge of the financials..."

He answered back in a casual tone. The threat was causing no fear in him, Suzaku however shrunk further into his chair as Milly walked over him and slammed a hand on the table. Lelouch looked up to her as she smiled in a sinister way, it was only then that his pupils started to shrink as she said something to him. The sheer tone and words she used made goose bumps run over his skin and the hairs in his neck straightened.

"Then you might as well be the bride..."

She had told him. Everyone dropping in a loud 'eeh?!' as the words left her mouth. Shirley rose from her seat and leaned over the table as she yelled out.

"Lulu can't be the bride! He's supposed to be a groom! He's not even a girl!"

"But he did look good in a dress before... didn't he...?"

Rivalz added and Shirley glared at him.



He quickly said as he ducked as if suspecting an incoming blow from his classmate, but non came. It wasn't as if Shirley hated the idea of Lelouch being a bride, There were other factors involved because if Lelouch was a bride, who would be the groom? It certainly wouldn't be one of them. Or would it.

"Kaicho... don't you think you're going to far?"

Kallen added as she looked at Lelouch.

"Don't you think that once in a dress was enough...?"

"I suppose you want to take the position as bride then... Kallen..."

Milly smiled as she said this. Kallen quickly backed away a few paces as the words rang through her head, she could almost imagine herself in a dress with him.


Kallen gasped as her cheeks heated up. Shirley turned to her and looked at her surprised, almost as if she smelled the competition...

"Kaicho! I refuse!"

Lelouch finally yelled out as he snapped back to reality. He looked at the rest of the council, everyone had turned silent and it evolved in an eerie atmosphere. They looked at him strangely and he could even see a taint of redness on the cheeks of some of his friends, Shirley and Kallen but also Suzaku. His eyes widened at his expression and he realised that they were all trying to picture him as a bride. He looked up at Milly when she clapped her hands.

"It's settled then! Lulu is the bride!"

Sweat dripped down the side of his face as she saw her happy attitude.

The next day wasn't any better.

"Now... put your cards in the hat!"

He was sitting in his chair, arms folded as he tried to ignore the happy going atmosphere. He had never thought of getting married one day, but if it was going to be like this then he would surely refuse. Then again he wasn't going to play the bride at his official wedding.

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