Chapter Two

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He sat on the other side of the table. His brows frowned deeply and his hands steadily shook as the girls on the other end of the table were busy picking a dress from a magazine. His hands tied against the back of the chair as he was being forced to make a decision. He had tried to elude them for the entire day and they grew tired of it and thus it ended with him being tied to the chair and being forced to listen to them as they read magazine after magazine. Every now and then would they look up at him and giggle or they would shake their heads before turning the pages again. A marker settled next to them to cross every dress that might fit him.

Just like then the dress wasn't official. Milly with her cosplay obsession had taken a couple of magazines to look through, trying to find something that could serve the purpose as a wedding dress. Partly he was glad that he wasn't taken to a boutique to fit one on and to have his sizes taken. There was another thing he didn't have to do and that had to do with the vows. Since he wasn't taking everything as serious as he should have, well according to Milly he wasn't, he wasn't planning on making them. Maybe if he had to he would say something about him being a good friend but that was it. There wasn't more he would be allowed to say because it would reveal too much about his past. He was still very content about his identity and knew he had to be careful with it. The rest of the council knew that he used to be friends with Suzaku as a child but they never did know about his real heritage, he wished to keep it that way and thanked God that Milly agreed on this and thus the vows were scrapped from the list.

"Ne, Lulu... what do you think?"

They raised it and showed him a picture of a girl posing with a long white dress. It carried no sleeves because it ended above the breast area, but the edge was worked off with small pearls and was split in the middle of her chest, the two parts that were split were worked off as if the were wings, spreading out towards each side as they lined to her back. The bottom was worked off with pearls as well. She also wore long gloves that went up to her upper arms, they were worked off with the same method. In her hair she had a veil made of roses, which were placed as a crown on her head, followed by a piece of tulle fabric that ran till the lower part of her shoulders. He gulped softly as he looked at it. The dress was even worse than the one he had to wear during the cross-dress festival, it was far more exposed. His shoulders and neck would be completely visible and he blushed a little at that idea. Without even hearing his opinion the magazine was snatched from his view and the girls clapped each other's hands as they cheered.

"I think we've got it!"

His eyes widened at the realization that this dress was going to be his. He almost wanted to look up and scream. They were already talking about the wig he wore last time and how they were going to attach it to the veil. They even said something about bridesmaids and how they had to find a fitting suit for Suzaku. Suzaku would see him in that dress. 'THAT' dress! But there was nothing he could do to stop them and he hoped that Suzaku was going through the same rough situation. Though much to his dislike he was actually enjoying this, he watched him from a distance but never noticed any nervousness from him at all.

He sighed loudly as he made his way out of the classroom, their decision about his dress was decided. There was no changing to it now. He walked through the hallways as he checked his phone, no incoming messages which was a good thing. The last thing he had on his mind right now was the rebellion.

"You're already done...?"

He looked up and noticed Suzaku in the distance, he closed his phone and tucked it back in his pocket as he walked up to him.


He answered in a depressed tone. Suzaku noticed this and watched as the other continued to rub his wrists. Suzaku grabbed his hand and rolled up the sleeve, he looked at the red line that ran around his arm with worry.

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