Chapter Five

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Author's note: Hey minna san~

This is aeru chan:) oh this is the last chapter, sadly. But don't worry new stories and everything are cooking:) my birthday was yesterday june 27th!!!:) why am I telling you this? (Sweatdrop.) Well, on with the show:)

He woke up in the middle of the night. A hand running through his brown hair as he sat up again. The same dream, the same feelings, the same regret.

Turning to his alarm clock he noticed the time and how he had managed to wake up again in the middle of the night. It wasn't a unfamiliar sequence because it had happened before.

Ever since that time it had happened a lot. The gun shot, the cracked mask, everything.

He got up from his bed and turned on a light on his desk before opening a drawer. Picking up a small box that he had taken with him.

He looked at the cat that was still asleep on his bed, unbothered by his behavior because it happened so frequently.

His hands slid over the lid and opened it, showing a golden ring inside that he remembered so dearly. His eyes closed as he sighed deeply while he caressed it in his fist.

"Nii-san, are you done yet?"

Lelouch looked back towards the still open door towards his little brother who was carrying a box filled with old junk. They were having a clean up in their house because without realising it he had never thrown away anything old. He still had lots of paperwork lying around that he couldn't even remember making and was right now standing on his chair as he searched his closets.

"Almost, Rollo... once I finish this closet then I'm done..."

Rollo smiled and set his box down on the ground before walking in his brother's room again, avoiding the many trash bags filled rubble.

"You shouldn't keep everything nii-san... this is really turning into a bad habit..."

Lelouch put another pile of books on the ground before climbed on the chair again.

"But I don't even remember collecting this much... normally..."

He stopped when he saw something in the very back, but because the top closet was too high for him to look properly in and the back was too dark to make the item visible he was unable to reach out to it.

"What is it, nii-san?"

He didn't answer and instead jumped up, trying to dive further into the dark cabin to try and get the item. Rollo looked at him with worry and quickly walked up to his side as Lelouch crawled forward a little. Eventually he backed up again and fell back with his feet on the chair with Rollo's help. His face covered with a small portion of dust as he looked at the item in his hands. A small brown box.

"A box...?"

Lelouch carefully opened it and looked at the inside, a golden ring was placed inside between to folded up papers so that it was pointing upwards. His eyes widened a little at that sight.

"What is it...?"

Rollo asked and looked at him, he gasped however when he noticed something different about his brother and called out his name.


Lelouch blinked and then noticed himself, one hand raised to his face and moved across his cheeks, pulling back he realised that it was covered with tears. Was he crying?

"Are you alright...?"

Rollo asked him as he sat down on his bed. The tears didn't stop, they continued to run down his cheeks without him having the slightest clue as to why this was happening.

"I don't know..."

He held the ring in his fingers and wondered why it made him feel this way. Why was it making him so sad?

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