Chapter Four

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Notes: Hey! Guess why I've not put notes last time?

I'm annoyed:/... Of my lack of readers... Where are the fujoshi's out there? And yaoi fanboy's? Oh well, those who read this fic thanks!! Pizza for you! Sorry for being demanding about this but... REVIEW!! :D

"I'm going to change..."

He had said coldly after getting up from his seat, the rest of the group looked at him and wondered why he was acting so strangely. But it was expected at leased from some of them, though others merely thought that he was angry and even said to Suzaku that he was going to witness Lelouch revenge some day, some day in the near future that was. However the Japanese showed no worry, well on the outside. He enjoyed the festivities where as the other merely acted like a fifth wheel. Lelouch walked towards the door and Milly gave him a slight nudge before he got up himself and followed after him, Shirley of course saw this and yelled at her president.

"Why are you doing that! You'll just make things worse!"

Milly saw her jealousy and laughed it off before telling her.

"Don't worry..."

On the other end of the hallway Suzaku closed the door behind him and quickly ran through the hallways to catch up with the bride. He found him walking slowly around the corner.

"Wait up! Lelouch!"

Lelouch stopped and turned, his face expression not what everyone else thought he was feeling, it showed pain. Not physical but in his heart. Suzaku walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright...? I'm sorry if..."

Lelouch slightly bit his lip as the other talked.

"Don't be..."

Suzaku blinked.

"It wasn't as if I regretted it..."

That lifted a weight from his shoulders, from both actually. Lelouch found it hard to tell him while as the other thought that he might be regretting the kiss, but that wasn't true.

"I guess I'm just... stunned that's it... I was surprised by your actions..."

Lelouch finally took the courage to look him in the eyes and smiled for the first time that day.

"But like I said... I don't regret it..."

He grabbed Suzaku's hand and held it against his cheek before he caressed it. He closed his eyes as he said in a quiet and yet shy tone.


He shifted his weight to his other foot but without warning gave out a yelp as he started to tumble down that side. The hand that held Suzaku's quickly pressed against the wall as his other lifted the dress a little. He had gone through his ankle and hissed as he tried to shake of the pain.


Suzaku questioned him as the other removed his shoes, Suzaku remained quiet and observed his actions. His ankle slightly reddened as he leaned on it only to hiss again in pain.

"These damned shoes... I can't understand how women walk on them..."

But without warning Suzaku put one hand around his waist and the other against the back of his knees.


He yelped out as he was scooped up in the air. His hands reaching out and clenching around his shoulders as if he was afraid to fall and once he realised what had happened he looked at the Japanese, his cheeks flushed and his eyes expressing shock as he yelled out.

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